By Esme Infante Nii
Advertiser Ohana Editor
The Hawaiian Humane Society serves thousands of people a year with its Pet Visitation Program. Since 1981, volunteers with the program have been bringing their pets to hospitals and other places that serve sick and elderly people.
"Weve made visits of hospitals, senior day-care facilities, childrens wards, a whole list of different kinds of facilities, and it does have just wonderful benefits" for everyone concerned, said Eve Holt, director of community relations.
The program cannot make individual home visits. But if you or someone you know might benefit from pet visits, call the humane society at 946-2187, ext. 217, to find out which organizations and hospitals are participating.
That number can be called also by pet owners who want to volunteer themselves and their pets for the program. Or, visit www.hawaiianhumane.org Ideally, pets should be even-tempered and responsive. "We make sure the animals are comfortable and enjoy themselves, too," Holt said.
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