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Pearl Citys cheerleaders made history yesterday, winning the first officially sanctioned high school championship meet in Hawai'i.
Pearl City won the varsity and junior varsity divisions in the seven-school Oahu Interscholastic Association Western Division Pep Squad Championships before a packed audience at Aiea High gym.
Leilehua High School cheerleaders perform before packed stands during the Oahu Interscholastic Association Western Division Cheerleading Championships at Aiea High School. Pearl City won the title. Leilehua finished fifth.
Jeff Widener The Honolulu Advertiser
Each school did one routine, which could include cheering, dancing, stunting and tumbling, and were awarded points from five judges. The final score dropped the high and low scores. A panel of three judged the junior varsity.
The OIA Eastern Division championship will be Saturday at Castle High, and the overall OIA championship Feb. 10 at a site to be determined.
Host Aiea was varsity runner-up and Radford was third.
Pearl Citys nine-member team was fresh from finishing sixth in the medium varsity division at the National Cheerleading Association Championships last month in Dallas, and the Chargers preparation and confidence were evident.
"That (national competition) really helped," coach Sandy Oshiro said. "We tell them to sell the routine and look confident."
Sherri Arakawa, Lana Eltagonde and Tiffany Rosales are captains of the first championship team.
1, Pearl City. 2, Aiea. 3, Radford. 4, Mililani. 5, Leilehua. 6, Waianae. 7, Waialua.
1, Pearl City. 2, Waianae. 3, Leilehua. 4, Aiea. 5, Radford. 6, Mililani.
Scores were withheld.
Hilo boys upset: Kealakehe drubbed Hilo, 4-1, dealing the Vikings their first league defeat since December 1999, as the Big Islands regular season ended yesterday.
Hilo (11-1) had already clinched the regular-season championship and a berth in the state tournament and will be the No. 1 seed in the league tournament starting Wednesday.
Mikela Yarawamai scored a hat-trick (3 goals) as Hawaii Preps girls whipped St. Joseph, 5-1, to take the regular-season title with a 9-1 record, earning a state tournament berth and first seed in the league tournament.
Hawaii Prep 5, St. Joseph 1. HPA-Mikela Yarawamai 3, Rachelle Gleed, Susan Gleed. StJ-Amy Malinowski.
Hilo 1, Kealakehe 0.
Waiakea 4, Honokaa 0.
Konawaena def. Parker (score unavailable).
Seeding for BIIF Tournament: 1, HPA; 2, Hilo; 3, Waiakea; 4, Konawaena; 5, Kealakehe; 6, St. Joseph.
Kealakehe 4, Hilo 1.
St. Joseph 2, Hawaii Prep 1.
Honokaa 1, Waiakea 0.
Seeding for BIIF Tournament: 1, Hilo; 2, St. Joseph; 3, Kealakehe; 4, HPA; 5, Honokaa; 6, Waiakea.
Interscholastic League of Honolulu
Boys Varsity
Iolani 5, Mid-Pacific 0. Iol-Duke Hashimoto 3, Nick Ching, Curtis Nickel.
Kamehameha 0, St. Louis 0.
Punahou 3, Pac-Five 0. Pun-Charles Rania, Darren Lee, Tamatoa Hackney.
Maui Interscholastic League
Baldwin 9, Lahainaluna 0. Bald-Shawna Shimamura 4, Kami Kapaku 2, Nicole Garbin 1, Christie Trenholme 1, Malia Rodriguez 1.
Hilo no-hitter: Tasha Kahana pitched a no-hitter and was two walks away from a perfect game as Hilo whipped Honokaa, 9-0, yesterday in the semifinals of the Big Island Interscholastic Federation tournament.
Waiakea beat Kealakehe 5-3 in the other semifinal game.
Hilo, the regular-season champion, and Kealakehe will play for the tournament championship at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Walter Victor Stadium in Hilo.
Waiakea earned the Big Islands second berth in the state tournament by winning yesterday. Hilo won the other berth by taking the regular-season title. If the Warriors defeat Hilo on Wednesday, the two teams will play Saturday for the overall BIIF championship.
Maui Interscholastic League
Baldwin 3, Lahainaluna 0.
Baldwin finishes regular season 12-0.
Maui Interscholastic League
Baldwin 52, King Kekaulike 36
Lahainaluna 73, Seabury 54
JV-Baldwin 45, King Kekaulike 32.
Fridays Game
Baldwin 52, Molokai 32.
Oahu Interscholastic Association
Boys varsity
Yesterdays results
Waipahu 40, Mililani 21. Pin-215: J. Manglona (Waip).
Waipahu 63, Radford 6. Pin-275: Palemia (Rad).
Kahuku 49, Roosevelt 6. Pin-215: Douglas Hiu (Kah).
Roosevelt 33, Kalani 18.
Kahuku 42, Kaimuki24. Pin-140: Tommy Hardy (Kah).
Waianae 36, Waialua 6.
Campbell 48, Waialua 6.
Campbell 42, Waianae 18. Pins-119: Steven Amion (Camp), 135: Tron Sugai (Camp), 145: Jacob Yiulin (Waian), 152: Anson Ahsing (Camp).
Aiea 54, Pearl City 15.
Leilehua 48, Aiea 24.
Leilehua 48, Pearl City 9.
McKinley 62, Moanalua 13. Pins-119: Emile Suehiro (McK), 125: Quy Du (McK), 130: Chad Yamashita (McK), 145: Dan Sombatphibana (McK), 152: Jose Rayco (McK).
Farrington 64, Moanalua 12. Pins-112: Dwayne Hane (Farr), 130: Mackon Phillip (Farr), 145: Bronsen DeLima (Farr).
McKinley 48, Farrington 26. Pins-119: Emile Suehiro (McK), 160: Nick Somabatphibana (McK), 171: Marlin Tejada (McK), 189: Honolulu Mika (Farr), 275: Lefaele Smith (Farr).
Fridays results
Farrington 50, Castle 18. Pins-152: Laga (Farr), 189: Mika (Farr). 275: Suzuki (Kal).
Farrington 57, Kalani 10. Pins-112: Haney (Farr)
Girls varsity
Yesterdays results
Mililani 36, Kapolei 6. Pin-121: Denise Sakai (Mil)
Mililani 36, Waipahu 0. Pin-121: Denise Sakai (Mil)
Radford 12, Waipahu 6.
Roosevelt 34, Kalani 0.
Kahuku 30, Kaimuki 6. Pins-108: Shanel Vivas (Kah), 130: Marlene Lumabao (Kaim)
Kahuku 30, Roosevelt 6. Pin-98: Sadie Kaneda (Roos).
Waianae 12, Waialua 0.
Waianae 12, Campbell 0.
Pearl City 37, Aiea 17.
Leilehua 36 Aiea 18.
Pearl City 30, Leilehua 28.
Moanalua 36, McKinley 16. Pin-103: Melissa Orden (McK), 108: Caylene Veldez (Moana), 130: Diane Cau (Moana), 140: Stephany Lee (Moana), 155: Melanie Wong (McK).
Moanalua 36, Farrington 9. Pin-108: Laka Machad (Farr), 114: Caylene Veldez (Moana).
McKinley 30, Farrington 15. Pin-108: Alison Kishida (McK), 121: Sharlotte Taba (McK).
Fridays results
Castle 29, Farrington 12. Pins-98: Miyasaki (Cas), 103: Fujioka (Cas), 114: Hufana (Farr), 121: Migita (Cas), 130: Leong (Farr).
Farrington 36, Kalani 0.
Waipahu 60, Pearl City 12.
Pearl City 42, Waipahu 0.
Kapolei 18, Waipahu 0
Boys junior varsity
Yesterdays results
Waipahu 48, Mililani 30; Kapolei 72, Mililani 15; Waipahu 67, Radford 12; Kahuku 65, Roosevelt 10; Roosevelt 24, Kalani 6; Kahuku 72, Kaimuki 0; Campbell 12, Waianae 6; Waialua 42, Waianae 3; Waialua 42, Campbell 6; Pearl City 36, Aiea 9; Leilehua 54, Aiea 6; Pearl City 54, Leilehua 24; McKinley 52, Moanalua 30; Farrington 54, Moanalua 15; Farrington 48, McKinley 23.
Fridays results
Farrington 60, Castle 12; Farrington 84, Kalani 0; Pearl City 57, Waipahu 18; Waipahu 53, Kapolei 21.
Interscholastic League of Honolulu
Boys varsity
St. Louis 30, Iolani 22. Pins-125: Travis Lee (SL); 130: Sam Kaneshiro (SL); 135: Brian Yamada (Iol); 215: Prince Brown (SL).
Boys junior varsity
Iolani 57, St. Louis 15.
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