Coming up
(Note: All events involving public schools will be postponed indefinitely if there is a strike by teachers.)
Hilo (3-1) and St. Joseph (4-1) play in Big Island baseball at Wong Stadium. St. Joe beat Hilo, 2-1, in the BIIF tournament last year for its first win over the Vikings since 1980. . . . Punahou's four-game ILH baseball win streak will be challenged by St. Louis at 6:30 p.m. at Ala Wai field.
OIA West baseball unbeatens Pearl City and 'Aiea play at 'Aiea, a BYOC (bring your own chair) facility, at 4 p.m. Also, unbeaten Mililani visits dangerous Wai 'anae, at 4. . . . The first-half girls basketball championship on Maui will belong to the winner of the Baldwin at Seabury Hall game (7 p.m). Both teams are 7-0. . . . Boys and girls teams from all 22 OIA schools will gather for the first time for the OIA Relays trials. Only these trials are different. If there is a strike, there will be no finals on Friday and the trials will be treated as timed finals. Field events begin at 3 p.m., track events at 4 at Mililani High.
Unbeaten girls basketball powers Kamehameha at Punahou, 7:30 p.m. . . . ILH baseball contenders St. Louis and Mid-Pacific at Mid-Pac's idyllic Manoa field, 3:45 p.m. . . . If public school teachers are not striking, the OIA Relays will be held at Mililani High, first running event at 6 p.m.
In the anything-goes ILH baseball race, it's Kamehameha vs. St. Louis at Joey DeSa field, 1 p.m. and Mid-Pacific at 'Iolani, 1:30 p.m. . . . In OIA baseball, labor relations permitting, it's 'Aiea at Campbell, Wai'anae at Pearl City and Roosevelt vs. Kalani at Kahala Field in key games, all at 2 p.m.
OIA team golf championships, girls and boys, at Wai'alae Country Club, 10 a.m.