Security measures for Asia bank meeting approved
By Robbie Dingeman
Advertiser City Hall Writer
Despite concerns raised about free expression, the City Council yesterday passed three bills designed to give Honolulu police tools to deal with large-scale protests expected during the Asian Development Bank conference.
Leaders from 60 nations are scheduled to gather May 7-11 at the Hawai'i Convention Center.
Critics say the bank's policies exploit the poor and harm the environment.
Opponents testified yesterday that they feared the measures would be an unjustified curb on free expression and could create more tension during the conference.
The three measures given final approval by the Council yesterday will:
Prohibit possession, "with intent to use, any device capable of emitting an obnoxious substance" such as mace or pepper spray.
Ban the wearing of masks or disguises in the commission of a crime.
Change the traffic code to specifically outlaw putting glass "or other injurious substances" on highways.
The council also approved allowing the chief of police to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the state's Hawaii Tourism Authority to accept $518,637. The money will help defray costs for riot gear and other equipment police officials say they need to cope with the conference.