Community Calendar
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Paul Bragg free exercise class, 9-10:30 a.m. Monday-Saturday, Fort DeRussy lawn, next to Army Museum; 30th year; all ages welcome; run by his daughter Pat.
MO'ILI'ILI COMMUNITY CENTER leisure studies program: toning and full body exercise, martial arts, ribbon lei, 'ohai ali'i and haku lei making, belly and hula dance and more. 955-1555.
TROPICAL PLANT NATURE WALK, 1 p.m., Ho'omaluhia Botanical Garden, 45-680 Luluku Road, Kane'ohe; free guided garden walk, walking shoes required, insect repellent and light rain gear recommended, picnic facilities available; reservations recommended; repeats 10 a.m. Saturday. 233-7323.
2001 MAYOR'S SENIOR RECOGNITION PROGRAM honoring volunteers over age 60, 9-11:30 a.m., Hawai'i Convention Center ballroom, 1801 Kalakaua Ave.; $3 parking in Center lot.
SENIOR CENTER PRESENTATIONS, art work demonstration by Joe Dowson, a retired police officer and private investigator-turned-artist, 10 a.m., Central Union Church, women's building, 1660 S. Beretania St., lower Makiki; free. 941-0957.
ROTARY CLUB OF HONOLULU LUNCHEON, noon-1 p.m., Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Monarch Room, 2259 Kalakaua Ave., Waikiki; speaker: Sharon Weiner, University of Hawai'i Regent, on "The Role of Regents at the University of Hawai'i." 922-5526.
SPECIAL EDUCATION WORKSHOP, Chapter 56: Hawai'i's rules on free, appropriate public education for students with disabilities; 7:30-9 p.m., Mililani Recreation Center #3, 95-281 Kaloapau St.; free; registration required. 536-9684 ext. 21; 621-4374.
ASSOCIATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONALS monthly meeting, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Ala Moana Hotel, second floor; guest speaker: Barbara Gomolski, research director for Gartner Institute's IT Workforce Performance Research and Advisory Service; members and students $19, guests $25, lunch included; call for reservations. 591-3550.
"SUSTAINING ISLANDS AND ATOLLS: ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL," lecture by Dr. Robert Shallenberger, deputy project leader, Hawaiian and Pacific Island National Wildlife Refuge, 7:30 p.m., Waikiki Aquarium, 2777 Kalakaua Ave.; $4 donation; seating limited, doors open 7 p.m., exhibits open to viewing before lecture. 923-9741.
"RISING WATERS: GLOBAL WARMING AND THE FATE OF THE PACIFIC," documentary film by Andrea Torrice, 6:30 p.m., Imin Center, East-West Center, University of Hawai'i-Manoa campus, East West Road; panel discussion follows; free. 941-5097.
DIVORCE CARE, a support group for those who are separated or divorced, call for information, free child care. 523-1111.
GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP, weekly seminar for those who are grieving the death of someone close, call for information. 523-1111.
MONEY AND POLITICS, a forum to discuss the role of money in politics and the choices available for public action, 9 a.m.-noon, State Capitol Auditorium; registration from 8:30 a.m., by the National Issues Forum; free; registration required, fax name, address, phone number to 956-6870.
FREE SPECIAL EDUCATION WORKSHOP, federal and state laws that govern the provision of special education and related services for students with disabilities, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Department of Education, Hilo Annex, 480 Waianuenue Ave. 982-7130.
CHUN'S BEACH AND MüLAEKAHANA BEACH CLEAN UP, noon, meet at Save the Sea Turtles International Foundation, 61-529 Kamehameha Highway; purified water and light pupus provided. 637-2211.
KIDS' HEALTH, free event by the Health Promotion Hui featuring Dr. George Talbot on immunizations; Dr. Pierre Langeron on pediatric medical myths; Dr. Debra Stern on proper use of antibiotics and update on ear infections; and Dr. Susan Borba on how to handle the sick child, 9-11:30 a.m., Maui Memorial Medical Auditorium, Wailuku. 242-2081.
HUNA BASICS WORKSHOP, Kahuna Mark Saito to teach simple techniques that balance mind, body and spirit, 1-5 p.m., University of Hawai'i-Manoa, campus center forum; general admission $40, university associates $20. 262-2872.
REHAB FOUNDATION FOOD & WINE FESTIVAL: GRAND WINE TASTING, afternoon tasting of 200 wines, 50 of them French, hors d'oeuvres by Chef Daniel Delbrel, entertainment by Cathy Foy and French jazz pianist, Pierre Grill, at Sheraton Waikiki Hotel; $50 in advance, $60 at the door; call for tickets. 544-3385.