New stem cell source good news for research
Just as misguided notions about the reality of basic human cell research and the emotional power of the anti-abortion lobby were about to hamstring important advances in human health research, it appears an end-run has been made possible.
The issue involves stem cells — cells that are not genetically programmed to become, say, skin cells or brain cells, and therefore can be used to grow any kind of cell.
The research potential was fantastic: theoretically, any sort of replacement part for the human body could be grown from stem cells — so-called because all other cells stem from them — from knee cartilage to bone or organ repair to brain tissue.
The rub: The only way to obtain the stem cells heretofore has been from embryonic tissue obtained by abortion or miscarriage.
Research that involves using any tissue obtained from an abortion has been a hot-button political issue. Presidents Reagan and the elder Bush had banned federal funding for such research; Clinton had allowed it to proceed. It is thought that the current president is seeking to ban it again.
But now an end-run has become possible with the discovery that stem cells can also be obtained from fat obtained from liposuction. It appears that stem cells from fat can be used for anything that embryonic tissue can do.
If the fat source for stem cells performs as promised, it will render the debate moot and allow this needed research to proceed. That's a relief.