The Left Lane
Tired, worn tootsies
With feet bare more often than they're covered, we in Hawai'i know respectable-looking feet are a must. But hours outdoors on the beach or in the water can render feet dry to the point of cracking.
Island Herbal of Waimea has a rich cream called Mango Ginger Buttercream containing its namesakes as well as aloe vera, ginger and grapefruit seed with vitamin E. Slather it on before bed, put on a pair of socks and expect softer feet in the morning.
If feet are dry and tired, Island Herbal's Just Lavender Foot Cream may revive. Both are $9 at Cook's Discoveries in Waimea, (808) 885-3633. Several friends swear by Hawaii's Rain Products' Lavender and Aloe Foot Cream for tired toes, created by Kailua resident Benedict Palmeri, who sells it at his salon, Image Salon and Beauty Emporium, 126 Queen St.; 537-9797. $10 for the travel size and $30 for 6 ounces. Also at Ihilani and other spas (
Paula Rath
Avoid the unhealthy pitfalls of eating out
A new Mayo Clinic study shows Americans are eating out more than ever before. This could be bad news because U.S. obesity is up 57 percent from 1991, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. But health experts insist that eating out does not have to be unhealthful if you make the right choices. "Where you eat makes a difference," says registered dietitian Cindi Thomson. "Go someplace where you know there is going to be a healthy choice." The best advice: Cut big portions in half and take the rest home.
Arizona Republic