Tips to protect against Internet viruses
Advertiser Staff
Use an antivirus program and update it at least once a week.
Frequently check the Web site for your operating system maker such as Microsoft for free security updates.
Don't let your guard down just because an e-mail came from someone you know.
If in doubt about whether the attachment is a virus, don't open it. Instead, e-mail or call the sender to see if they sent it to you on purpose.
Look at the text of the message. If it's not in English, or uses broken English and/or bad capitalization, it may be a virus.
The attachment is frequently the dangerous part. Look at it closely, especially the part that comes after a period. If it ends in: .pif, .lnk, .com, or .exe, then it may be a virus.
Although you might trust file names that end in .doc, the extender for Microsoft Word documents, the attached file may read "document.doc.lnk." This is not a Word document, it is most likely a virus.
When choosing a computer password, don't use "password," your name or birth date, or any word found in a dictionary. Pick something that means something only to you. Misspelled words can work.
Sources: Symantec Corp., Trend Micro.