Posted on: Saturday, August 11, 2001
Neighbor Islands
Big Island police seek jail escapee
Advertiser Staff
Hilo, Hawai'i Big Island police are looking for Harry K.R. Harrison, 35, who escaped the Hawai'i Community Correctional Center yesterday.
Last seen fleeing into a wooded area near the intersection of Po-
They described him as Caucasian, 5 feet 10 inches tall, and 140 pounds, with brown eyes and a modified "Mohawk" haircut.
Arrested and charged on suspicion of abuse of a family or household member, kidnapping, terroristic threatening and contempt, Harrison had been in HCCC awaiting trial since July 10.
Police said Harrison should be considered dangerous and should not be approached. Call Big Island police at 935-3311 or CrimeStoppers with information.ahawai and Komohana streets, the inmate wore blue shorts, no shirt and no shoes. Police said he may have been heading toward his home in Puna.