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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, August 12, 2001

Comments sought on Windward bridge program

By Eloise Aguiar
Advertiser Windward Bureau

A draft proposal for the O'ahu Transportation Improvement Program includes spending $50 million to upgrade or expand 11 bridges over the next two years in the Windward area.

In most cases, the proposal calls for replacing the bridges with a structure that meets current design standards.

The bridges that would be replaced are on Kaluanui, Kokololio and Kaipapa'u streams in Hau'ula, Kawela stream in Kawela, and 'Ohi'a stream in Kahuku. In addition, bridges also are to be upgraded in North and South Kahana, South Punalu'u and Waiahole.

A box culvert over the Haiamoa Stream in Kahalu'u is slated to be replaced with a bridge. And the Inoaole Stream Bridge near Bellows Air Force Station is to be replaced with a larger bridge.

The expansions and upgrades are part of a three-year implementation program for federally assisted transportation projects selected by the O'ahu Metropolitan Planning Organization and approved by the governor.

OMPO is seeking public comment until Aug. 31.

Send comments to OMPO, 707 Richards St., Honolulu, HI 96813.

Fax comments to 587-2018 or e-mail ompo001@hawaii.rr.com.

Other Windward projects in the improvement program and estimated costs:

  • Modify interchanges at H-3/Mokapu Boulevard and at H-3/Kailua; $2.8 million.
  • Resurface Mokapu Boulevard from Kalaheo Avenue to Mikiola Drive; construction $14 million.
  • Kamehameha Highway traffic improvements from Kahalu'u to Waimea Bay; design $1million.
  • Improve Kalaniana'ole Highway in Waimanalo; design $625,000.
  • Landscape Kahekili Highway from Kulukeoe Street to Haiku Road; construction $2.25 million.