Posted on: Sunday, August 12, 2001
Over-40 mom seeks network
By Vicki Viotti
Advertiser Staff Writer
When Kailua resident Colleen Hunsaker read the story about first-time mothers over 40 that appeared in the 'Ohana section July 22, it struck a chord within her. Now she's hoping there are other moms who felt the same way and would be willing to meet.
Hunsaker remembered a search for a group of peers back when son Todd was born seven years ago. She had just moved to Phoenix. There were mothers' groups, of course, but none attended by women around her age who shared her interests. "You're interested in different things in your 40s than when you're in your 20s," she said.
Now a single parent raising a hyperactive child, the urgent-care physician wants to form a network here of "late moms." Hunsaker is casting a wide net with no specific age restrictions, aiming generally for women who became parents fairly late in their childbearing years. Want to connect? Call 261-1696.