Tube Notes
By Mike Hughes
Gannett News Service
OF LOCAL INTEREST: "Waikiki: in the Wake of Dreams," 7:30 p.m., Fox. Here's the broadcast premiere of filmmaker Edgy Lee's documentary that looks at Hawai'i's most popular stretch of beach. An interview immediately follows the film.
TONIGHT'S MUST-SEE: (network TV): "Breaking the News: A Museum of Television and Radio Special," 7 p.m. CBS. What was it like to cover breaking news in TV's early days? What was it like to be reporting from Vietnam, from the Berlin Wall, from Tiananmen Square? This hour catches the memories of current and past network anchors (Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw, Bernard Shaw, and Barbara Walters) plus Ed Bradley, Mike Wallace and more.
TONIGHT'S MUST-SEE (cable): "Gold," 3 p.m. (Oceanic digital) or 10 p.m. (Oceanic analog), History Channel. For centuries, the world existed on barter. But how do you pay soldiers who must travel light? Around 550 B.C., King Croesus of Lydia issued a gold coin. In the 4th century A.D., Byzantine Emperor Constantine issued one that stayed in use for seven centuries. It wasn't until 1971 that the U.S. government said it wouldn't allow paper money to be traded in for gold. This is the finale to an intriguing, four-night look at gold in history.