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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, August 26, 2001

Community Calendar

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• TIBETAN CULTURAL DAY 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Wood Valley Temple, above Pahala, Big Island; fund-raising buffet luncheon with talks including "Buddhism and the Art of Happiness," demonstrations on the art of silk applique thangka scrolls and sand mandalas, talk on Tibetan medicine by a Tibetan doctor; suggested donation $100. (808) 928-8539.

• 'OHANA FUN DAY, noon-7 p.m., YMCA Camp Erdman, 69-385 Farrington Highway, Mokule'ia; skydivers, fire dancers, tai chi, bands, Marty Dread, Soul Divine, Greg with Wicked Blend, barbecue, shave ice, cotton candy, wall climbing, archery, tie dye and other crafts, kite making, yo-yos, face painting, magic and balloon shows, inflatable Kids' Castle, petting zoo and pony rides; drawing to participate in 3/4 court basketball shot with a chance for a $10,000 prize (no basketball team members eligible); adults $10, or $10 for two children under 15; children under 3 free; tickets available at all YMCA branches. 531-3558.


• UNIVERSITY CHORUS, first rehearsal by the Performing Arts Chorus/Community Choral Union of the University of Hawai'i at Hilo , 7-9 p.m., UH-Hilo; call for cost or further information. (808) 974-7565.

• BEGINNING EXPERIENCE OF HAWAII, support ministry group for divorced, widowed or separated persons, 7-9 p.m., Sts. Peter and Paul Church, 800 Kaheka St.; $20 donation. 949-3387.


• "HAWAI'I'S ECONOMY AND HOW IT AFFECTS SENIORS," presentation by Jack Suyderhoud, professor at the University of Hawai'i College of Business Administration's department of financial economics and institutions, 10 a.m., Central Union Church women's building, 1660 S. Beretania St., Makiki . 941-0957.

• "BUILD NEW OR RE-DO" SEMINAR with a presentation on new roofing technology and hurricane proofing, also guidelines on starting up and financing construction of a new home or remodeling project, 6-8 p.m., Sam Choy's Diamond Head Restaurant, 449 Kapahulu Ave.; presentations by Marshall Hickox of Homeworks Construction, John Creson of Tropical Roofing and Raingutters, architect, Paul Remington, Derek Chent and Yvonne Gasper of American Savings Bank and Al Lum of Viking Appliances. Guests may bring project plans for review; free; call for reservations. 545-2777.

• HAWAII HISTORICAL BOTTLE COLLECTORS CLUB, 7:30 p.m., second Tuesday of each month, Susannah Wesley Community Center, 1117 Ka'ili St., one block 'ewa of North King and Kalihi Streets. 941-8551.


• FISHING REGULATION CHANGES to be discussed by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, 5:30 p.m., Wilcox Elementary School cafeteria, Lihu'e, Kaua'i. 274-3344.


• "INDONESIA UNDER MEGAWATI: CHALLENGES AND POSSIBILITIES," luncheon featuring Richard Baker, East-West Center adjunct senior fellow, 11:30 a.m., Bali Indonesia Restaurant, 1901 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 110; $15 fee for Pacific and Asian Affairs Council, East-West Center and Friends of the East-West Center, $20 for others. 944-7780.

• FIRST ANNUAL LABOR DAY WEEKEND DANCE CONVENTION, 4-10 p.m. through Sept. 3, at University of Hawai'i Manoa ballroom, Radisson Waikiki, Prince Kuhio Hotel and Palladium; workshops in swing, nightclub, two-step, Latin, ballroom and other styles; special performances, dance competition; $120. 485-0038.


• THE RIGHTS OF ANIMALS AND THEIR POSITION IN SOCIETY, lecture by philosopher Peter Singer, professor in the Princeton University Center for Human Values, who inspired the formation of Animal Rights Hawai'i, 7 p.m., McCoy Pavilion, Ala Moana Park; free; sponsored by the Vegetarian Society of Hawai'i and Animal Rights Hawai'i. 941-9476.


• MEDITATION RETREAT with Wood Valley Temple monks, Labor Day weekend, 3 p.m. Saturday through the afternoon of Sept. 3, above Pahala, Big Island; $175 fee includes two lunches; lodging at extra cost; call for reservations. (808) 928-8539.

Correction: The "Indonesia Under Megawati: Challenges and Possibilities" luncheon will be held Friday. The day was incorrect in a previuos version of this listing.