Faith calendar
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Bazaar and rummage sale, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Honolulu Church of Light, 1539 Kapi'olani Blvd.; free. 952-0880.
Festival of Chinese Arts & Culture, 9 a.m., University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Center for Korean Studies Building (next to East-West Center); ceremonial chants, martial and healing arts and more. 947-4788
Prison Fellowship Ministries, training for Bible study and seminar leadership, 9 a.m.-noon, New Hope Christian Center, 290 Sand Island Access Road, lower Kalihi; free. 842-4242, ext. 405.
Advent Masses, 7 and 9:45 a.m. weekly through Dec. 23 at St. Mark's Church, 538 Kapahulu Ave.; Advent adult religious education classes, 8:30-9:30 a.m. with special speakers. 732-2333.
Advent Labyrinth Walks in the ancient Christian style, 7:30 a.m.-noon weekly through Dec. 23, St. Andrew's Cathedral, Queen Emma Square. 524-2822 Ext. 250.
"Trusting the Illusion," 9 a.m. service, Honolulu Church of Light, 1539 Kapi'olani Blvd.; also, "The Rev" TV series, 10 p.m., Oceanic Channel 52, on "Imhotep, the One God Theory." 952-0880.
"Walking in the Light of the Lord," 9:30 a.m. family worship service, City of Refuge Church, 94-897 Waipahu St. 677-5677.
Evangelist Marilyn Laszlo to speak about her health care and missionary work among the Sepik Iwam tribe of New Guinea at the 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. services, First Presbyterian Church, 1822 Ke'eaumoku St., Makiki. (Also 7 p.m. Wednesday.) 532-1111.
Bodhi Day celebration 9 a.m., Jodo Mission of Hawaii, 1429 Makiki St.. sponsored by The Hawaii Buddhist Council. 941-5663.
"The Power of Not Having to Be Right," celebration of life, 10 a.m., presented by the Center for Positive Living, at Ala Moana Hotel's Hibiscus Ballroom 2, Waikiki. 988-6907.
Eine Kleine Keiki Kristmas Musik, first of the Christmas at Calvary 2001 concert series, introduction to musical classics for children, 4 p.m., Calvary-By-The-Sea Lutheran church, 5339 Kalaniana'ole Hwy., 'Aina Haina; also the sixth annual Christmas Sing-A-Long Concert, 7 p.m.; both free. 377-5477.
Hanging of the Greens annual Scottish Christmas tradition 6:30 p.m., Mililani Presbyterian Church, 95-410 Kuahelani Ave.; free. 623-6663.
"Christmas In the Islands," concert by Randy and Gay Hongo 7 p.m., Waianae Baptist Church, Farrington Highway and Ala Hema Street; also Miss Hawaii, Cheryl Toma Sanders and the Spirit of Joy Gospel hula team; free. 696-4374.
"Emmanuel God With Us: An Advent Service for Our Time," 7:30 p.m., The Lutheran Church of Honolulu, 1730 Punahou St.; free. 941-2566.
"Advent Lessons and Carols," with the St. Andrew's Cathedral Choir, 7:30 p.m., St. Andrew's Cathedral, Beretania at Queen Emma streets. 524-2822 Ext. 223.
Hope Chapel Kaneohe Chapel 12-step meeting for men and women recovering from drug/alcohol addiction, 5:30 p.m.; 12-step program for recovering male addicts only, 7 p.m.; care group for adult children of dysfunctional families, 7 p.m., 45-815 Po'okela Road, Kane'ohe Bay area; free. 235-5814.
Hawaiian Island Ministries Radio Magazine featuring Marilyn Laszio on her mission to Papua, New Guinea, 1-2 p.m., KAIM Radio, AM 870. 955-8411.
Open Table Hawaii Interfaith Roundtable, general meeting: Talks on Shintoism, inter-faith dialogue and nonviolence, 7-8:30 a.m., United Church of Christ Conference Center, board room, 15 Craigside Place, below Oahu Cemetery.
Zazen, by Honolulu Diamond Sangha, a Zen Buddhist society, 7-9 p.m. weekly, with tea at 9 p.m., Koko An Zendo, 2119 Kaloa Way, Manoa; free. 735-1347.
Reflections, anger control group for women, 9-10:30 a.m., Hope Chapel Kaneohe Bay, 45-815 Po'okela Road; free; call Patience; no childcare available; free. 235-5814.
"Responding to Today's Uncertainties: A Shin Buddhist Perspective," lecture series by Thomas Kasulis, chairman of the division of comparative studies, Ohio State University, on "Out of Control: Similarities Between Shinran's Mappo and Our Mood Today," 7-9 p.m., Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin, 1727 Pali Hwy., Nu'uanu; (also "Shinran's Mystery of Whodunit: Doing Good, Doing Nothing, Nothing Doing," 9-11:30 a.m. Saturday; "Time to Have Nothing to Do: Living the Shin Buddhist Life Today," 1-3 p.m. Saturday); free. 536-7044.
"Happy? Holidays Dealing With Loss During the Holidays," 7 p.m. session, City of Refuge Christian Church, 94-897 Waipahu St. 677-5677.
Next Saturday
Christmas Fair, baked goods, crafts, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Anthony's Church in Kailua, 114 Makawao St.; free. 266-2226.
Traditional Japanese New Year's Blessings from midnight New Year's Eve, Izumo Taishakyo Mission of Hawaii, 215 North Kukui St.; new ofuda and omamori (amulet) available for a donation. 538-7778.