Posted on: Friday, December 14, 2001
Letters to the Editor
No constitutional basis for Bush's order
The executive order to suppress and halt access to information from the Reagan and Bush Presidential records is in direct opposition to the Presidential Records Act of 1978. Why is the son of a former President so bent on concealing the activities of the Reagan/Bush White House years? Why does Bush Junior's executive order suddenly bestow "executive privilege" on the vice presidency where there is no constitutional basis?
The behavior of this president bodes ill for the nation for his actions go beyond those issues related to any wartime emergency and define a despotic regime that does not feel it will ever have to hold itself accountable to the American public now or in the future.
For a man that became president through the graces of a narrow Supreme Court decision, Bush should have great respect for the law. Regrettably, he does not.
Juliet Begley
Show support with action, not slogans and words
At this time of hardship in Hawai'i, the governor and the mayor are promoting "Buy Hawai'i."
Therefore, it was a great disappointment for me to receive a letter from the State Foundation on Culture and The Arts proclaiming that they had voted to accept Gov. Cayetano's recommendation to commission Daniel Greene to paint the portrait of Governor Cayetano. Mr. Daniel Greene lives in New York City.
It is unfortunate, when there are so many qualified portrait painters in Hawai'i that someone from this state was not given this commission.
Why, generally, does the feeling prevail that people who live in another state are always more qualified?
"Buy Hawai'i" is a wonderful idea and we all need to support each other, especially in these hard times!
Connie Hennings-Chilton
DUI display in Mililani is a public eyesore
I read with some interest the story about the fire involving the DUI display vehicle in Mililani. The display is, at best, an eyesore in a community that prides itself on an orderly and attractive environment. The fact that someone decided to torch it should be no surprise to local police.
Seems like those who plan and set up displays like this one should be more sensitive to the local community. How was the matter resolved? A new "crashed" vehicle was placed at the same site this morning.
Two crimes were committed in Mililani this week arson and poor judgment.
Toby L. Clairmont
'Aiea football team gets kudos from San Diego
Great job to the Na Ali'i football award winners. As a former 'Aiea resident, I'm always happy to see my former neighbors doing well.
John Wachter
Hawaiian Airlines shows aloha in its service
A recent letter lamented the lack of service and no feeling of Hawai'i on flights from the Mainland.
It is safe to say that reader has not flown on Hawaiian Airlines. You know you're in Hawai'i the minute you board, regardless of were your flight originates, and the in-flight movie is secondary compared to the local entertainment that accompanies it.
What a great place to introduce local music to the rest of the world.
There still are some great airlines out there!
John Wade
To make policy, you should first be elected
I am writing in regards to the story about Vicky Cayetano proposing that the citizenry be required to pony up to the bar and pay every month to "help" certain members of our society who are in need.
While I don't wish to assert that I am against helping indigent or elderly people, I do have to take a stand against proposals made by those for whom we, the people, did not vote.
Who gave Mrs. Cayetano the right to attempt to make government policy?
Her having done this shows her contempt for the people for whom her husband has pledged to work. This form of contempt is typical of those who believe themselves to be above those they are supposed serve.
If our "first lady" wishes to make policy affecting millions of hard-working people who are struggling enough as it is since Sept. 11, let her run for office and return to the people that which is their due: the right to vote her down and tell her what we think of her ill-conceived notions.
Michael Jones
Kamehameha's rifles gave him advantage
The people of O'ahu want our sovereignty back. It is unfair that Hawaiian King Kamehameha had more "European" weapons of rifles and cannons to cleanse the island of O'ahu of its indigenous warriors.
This illegal overthrow of the Kingdom of O'ahu should not be allowed to stand. There must be an apology from the Hawaiians for this outrage visited upon the people of O'ahu. Long live the King of O'ahu! Long live King Kalani-kupule!
Jack Martinez
Little tolerance for gays, lesbians
Well it seems things are getting back to normal since the events of Sept. 11. I'm not talking about people getting on planes again, but the re-emergence of anti-gay sentiment. The cries for tolerance and understanding since the attacks appear not to have included those of the gay and lesbian community. It seems no act of hate, no matter how horrific, can erase all prejudice.
I know those with an anti-gay agenda will do anything to deny those whose only desire is to raise and love a child just as any heterosexual couple.
I personally don't believe a child is any more inclined to grow up homosexual with gay parents than with straight parents. After all, most homosexuals grew up in heterosexual homes. But it is the agenda of the homophobes to perpetuate the fear that the gay community is out to "recruit" and "indoctrinate" into their ranks.
I am neither gay nor an activist. I'm just someone who believes that all have the right to "pursue happiness." And if it that means the opportunity to raise children in a loving home, then I say more power to them.
Dean Hayashi
Teachers, counselors, doctors, but not parents
In recent weeks the editorial pages have included a number of letters debating the issue of homosexuals as parents. This issue will never be resolved to anyone's complete satisfaction within the editorial arena.
Still, gays and lesbians continue to doctor our wounds and illnesses. They continue to pastor us. They educate and counsel us. Daily they protect and rescue us at their own peril.
They serve in our government, businesses, and industries. They continue to entertain, inform and inspire us. And, they are raising children who will grace future generations with compassion, integrity, and insight.
To our dear friends and 'ohana in the gay and lesbian community we say: Carry on! Thank you for continuing to bless the rest of us even when some would discount, fear, or even hate you.
Thank you for your courage to live hopefully, whether you are "open" or "closeted." Thank you for being who you are.
Rick and Dannette Kong Poole
Public didn't have any say in matter
Does anybody remember voting for traffic cameras? Because I sure don't. I thought legislators were in office mainly for the people and not for the purpose of increasing government revenue through questionable means.
Clifford Wassman
Not speeding means no ticket
Here is one simple solution to those who are concerned about being ticketed by the new traffic cameras: Don't speed.
Jeanine Nakakura
Traffic cameras will only irk the public
It is obvious that the ACS and the Department of Transportation (DOT) are using the issue of motor vehicle collisions as support for the speed cameras.
If they are so concerned for the public, place the cameras on the freeways during the bewitching hours of 12 p.m. through 5 a.m. To use it any other time is merely a money-making scheme.
If ever there was a vote-getter for a politician or a platform, I am sure he or she would have the public's total support. With the grim outlook for this state, this type of project only irks the public since it is only removing money from our pockets.
To compound the matter, to contest these tickets you must take time off from work and pay a court administrative fee for your plea.
Who really has the time?
Sure, the answer is don't speed! Go ahead and try to drive 25, 35, 45 and 55 miles per hour. I honestly say it is nearly impossible.
I foresee road rage in Hawai'i. Under the current enforcement rules by the ACS and DOT, I have yet to hear a single positive note and in all probability, I will not.
Eric Kuualoha Tiwanak
Police officers are not above the law
As a law-abiding citizen, please remind Hawai'i police officers that they are not above the law and that this enforcement policy applies to them too.
It must be pointed out that the only time an officer is allowed to run a red light or to speed is on Code One emergencies, which include robberies in progress, reports of gunfire, or any violent crimes committed on the street or in a residence, to include undercover officers, who have to run red lights or have to speed to keep up with a suspect.
This enforcement must apply to all city government agencies.
Edward Ragin
How will police families deal with photo ticket?
It will be interesting to see how the cops and their families deal with the tickets they receive in the mail. Of course they will all claim to have been on duty at the time the ticket was issued. But what about their families? Will the cops claim to have been driving that vehicle too?
As we all know, in the old system it was unheard of for a cop or a family member to receive a ticket. You had a better chance of winning the lottery than of that happening.
I would like to see the statistics of how many cops and their families get cited for a violation. If there is such a statistic, the number would be so small it probably wouldn't even compute. But I guess it wouldn't be fair to take away all their perks since they won't be eating prime rib and rack of lamb anymore.
Or won't they?
Robert McDurmin
Traffic cameras may be just the beginning
I think the introduction of traffic cameras into our island community stinks. I can't think of a better word than that. The thought that someone is sitting in an unmarked van with a camera, taking pictures of motorists, is creepy. I understand that something has to be done to get us to slow down, and to quit running red lights, and turning into crosswalks which are occupied by pedestrians.
But having a camera monitoring our moves on the highways and byways of our little island feels too much like our right to privacy is slowly being eroded. What's next? Are we moving toward a time when the government has the right to mount cameras anywhere it pleases to monitor us for who knows what?
Robin Makapagal
San Diego
Pearl City