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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Friday, December 21, 2001

Show Biz
A little something for everyone's Christmas stocking

By Wayne Harada
Advertiser Entertainment Editor

'Twas the week before Christmas
And all through the hale
Santa was list-checking
Wearing his coconut papale.

He had gifts to deliver
With time running out
Too much pilikia
No more time for doubt.

A national hit record
For Hoku Ho;
And a clean bill of health
For that Keale man, Moe.

Elocution lessons
For mumbling Don Ho.
A contract extension
For Sam Wong, maestro.

A brand new uke
For Jake Shimabukuro.
For Colon, their own cologne:
Makes scents; way to go!

More non-aging pills
For dear Jimmy Borges;
Throw in Armani duds
So he'll look gorgeous.

For Chuck Boller, what else
But a planeload of movies;
For Tino & the Rhythm Klub
A Hoku CD, the groovies!

For Maltby, Smith, Rampage,
White, Lutwak
and Wong,
A theater-full of patrons
Would bring out the gong.

Lotsa round-trip air fare
For the Society of Seven
To hop from here to Las Vegas;
Megabucks would be heaven.

For Frank DeLima
Another club "home."
Gets tiring and frustrating
To continue to roam.

For DisGuyz, Forte that hit
To send 'em off soaring.
For Reign a big following
(Already it's growing).

A concert in heaven
With Irmgard and Loyal.
And promoted by Kimo;
Champagne from Myra; sound royal?

For Randy Smith,
Who sings Ol' Blue Eyes,
A live band one day
To bring out more sighs.

To Jack and Maydelle
More cruises, more joy
A return to Broadway
For dear Cathy Foy.

For Jack and Cha Thompson
The Tihati kingpins
More visitor traffic
To restore the show bins.

Another movie role
For Amanda Schull;
A comeback for Jason Scott Lee
To end the short lull.

For Jay and Jerry
An overdue CD.
For Nabors and Gomer:
Stars and stripes. Gollee.

A return to the limelight
For Eddie Kamae;
More TV, more club work
For Augie and Lanai.

For Al Waterson
His own karaoke pub.
For Perry & Price
Their own Breakfast Club.

A national booking
For "Santa Claus Lives in Hawai'i"
The Freedman-Catracchia charmer
Should tour Maui, Kaua'i.

For Lee and Lisa
Plenty fun, lotsa pidgin.
OK, "message" plays, too.
But a skosh, just a smidgen.

Big ratings for Kino, Ogata,
Van Osdol, Espina.
Galuteria, Shaner,
Ryan, Kimo
. All winnahs?

And for all who strive hard
To topple Joe Moore.
Just remember what works:
Not nagger, but the doer.

Snow covered bon-bons
For the "Nutcracker" crew.
That's Matthew and John
Charlys, Pamela, too.

For Karen Keawehawai'i
A zipper that works.
For show presenter Ron Andrew:
Broadway hits. Or a few "Cirques"?

For Martin Nievera
A homecoming, for real.
For Jonathan Von Brana
Never-fading Elvis zeal.

Maybe a huge jam
With Amy and Willie
And Fiji and Robi
And Barry, Keli'i.

A Christmas CD
For silky-voiced Reichel.
Plus a staged hoop-de-doo:
Holiday time at the Shell?

For Charo, a stash
Of cuchi-cuchi pills.
For Arthur Lyman?\
A cure for the ills?

More big-band sounds
For George and Del.
And for noodle giant Shiro
Another shop would be swell.

A visit to the Opry
For Haugen (a.k.a.) Cordell.
Long overdue rest
For Carole, Nohe and Mel.

For Chai, Mavro, Keo,
For Alan and Roy.
Good food, good cheer
A season of joy.

An Emmy consideration
For Ruivivar and Bess
For Angela Baraquio
More time for some rest.

For you, faithful readers
You Mr. and Ms.
Good tidings to you ...
And that's Christmas Show Biz.

Wayne Harada writes Show Biz on Wednesdays and Fridays. Reach him at 525-8067, e-mail wharada@honoluluadvertiser.com or fax 525-8055.