Posted on: Saturday, December 22, 2001
Letters to the editor
Sentence more like vacation for Mirikitani
No wonder former Honolulu City Councilman Andy Mirikitani was always smiling. He knew the Hawai'i court system was a joke. Instead of the maximum 65 years, he gets 51 months. To top that off, he'll be living near Las Vegas in a minimum-security facility with all the luxuries of a hotel. I guess the bigger the crime the lesser the sentence. That should encourage more politicians to steal from us taxpayers.
Happy vacation, Andy.
Eugene Simbra
Giving convict special consideration is illogical
I am dismayed that Gov. Ben Cayetano feels that Andy Mirikitani should receive his pension. Our military personnel, if convicted and imprisoned, lose their pay, allowances and pension. Why should a politician convicted of theft, bribery and other charges be treated differently?
Mirikitani will be receiving special consideration in having the taxpayers send him to another state for incarceration. I hope that the taxpayers of Hawai'i are outraged that Mirikitani feels he needs a public defender for the appeal of his federal court conviction.
Our poor people who need Medicaid must prove their need by having their finances investigated. Should not the same be the case for convicted, self-professed indigent politicians in order to get lifetime free medical and dental benefits?
Ronald Wong
Give Japanese tourists better exchange rate
Visitors from Japan are reluctant to travel because of fear and the unfavorable yen-dollar exchange rate.
To lure them to the state, what if Hawai'i merchants issued something like an "Aloha Card" for Japanese visitors to use during their visit, but have them purchase it at a discounted rate of 5 yen less than the current rate of exchange? Or we could have merchants who honor this card give them a discounted yen-exchange rate at the time of purchase.
The most important thing about this plan would be to publicize it immediately throughout Japan. This may be enough of an incentive for Japanese travelers to help overcome their fear of flying. In this period of economic uncertainty, everyone is looking for the most discounts they can get for their limited resources.
What do you think, Hawai'i Visitors and Convention Bureau?
Stan Kamita
Excellent job done in light of terror attack
Now that the football season is over, maybe we won't have to see any more letters complaining about the Aloha Stadium management. It has been more than three months since the Sept. 11 attacks and up until the last game, people were complaining about all the inconveniences at the gates, week in and week out.
Sure, there is a lack of parking spaces. But it wasn't present management who designed a 9,000-space lot for a 50,000-seat stadium. I don't think people realize all the planning that goes into putting on an event for 50,000 fans. The logistics are incredible: parking, security and ushers, to name a few.
This year has been like no other. Sept. 11 has forever changed things and the added security was put into place for our protection, not our inconvenience. Trying to please 50,000 fans is not easy. I for one would like to thank them for a job well done.
James Wataru
Better detection may be reason for higher rate
Looking at the Dec. 20 article on chlamydia I had an interesting thought. Why not give Hawai'i's health-care providers the credit for finding more of this difficult-to-detect, troublesome disease?
Hawai'i is a small enough state where mandatory health-care coverage creates a situation where everyone has access to treatment. This helps create a high standard of excellence that benefits everyone.
We have good medical care here, and I attribute it to the caring side of the aloha spirit. I do not think we have an actual higher rate than the nation. I think we have a higher rate of detection. This is a good thing.
Barbara Williams
Resurrection seen as more significant
The Dec. 14 article by Paula Rath on the art of Carl Faberge was not only informative, but also entertaining. It is my good fortune to own a copy of the book "Carl Faberge: Goldsmith to the Imperial Court of Russia." Rath's article will enhance the book by being pasted in its frontpiece.h alludes to the "hoopla" that the Russians celebrate at Easter time, thus explaining the emphasis on eggs and art. Actually, the Russians celebrate not for the sake of hoopla but because, like the Roman Catholic Church (and some other Christian denominations), the Russian Orthodox Church recognizes Easter as liturgically above and more significant than Christmas.
Why? Because the miracle of birth is not uncommon, even that of Jesus. But how many of us know of more than one Resurrection? The Russians rightfully make much of it.
Emmett Cahill
Decision to ban should fall on owners
Until smoking becomes illegal, it must continue to be a choice and a decision of the individual. To ban smoking from restaurants is to deny this right. Should it not be the right of restaurant owners to determine whether smoking be allowed within their own establishment?
Howard K. Oda
Volcano, Big Island