Posted on: Friday, December 28, 2001
Absurd stadium rules in need of revision
The Pro Bowl brings Hawai'i huge economic benefits. There's the money spent on staging the game, money spent by the players and their families and other visitors who attend and there is invaluable national exposure that helps promote Hawai'i.
And let's face it, Hawai'i is incredibly lucky that the National Football League, not our very own Stadium Authority, is in charge of security for the Feb. 9 event.
Because this state can't afford the national embarrassment that would ensue if the the Pro Bowl were subject to the security rules that went into effect after Sept. 11.
Seldom have we seen such grousing as the experience of attending post-9/11 UH games has caused. The fans have a point. The failure by stadium officials to undo the silly rules and strengthen the ones that will improve safety comes across as petty and mean-spirited.
Fans understand the need for security as well as rules aimed at curbing rowdy behavior. But many of the rules put into place by the Stadium Authority defy logic and do more to inconvenience valued customers than prevent trouble:
Only fanny packs are allowed. What is the difference between a fanny pack and a small backpack? Or a small purse for that matter?
Bags must be searched. Sure, but bag checks have been cursory at best. The clear message is that stadium personnel don't really care about our safety but are going through the motions.
No caps allowed on plastic bottles. Presumably, stadium personnel are concerned that filled bottles can be used as weapons or missiles. If someone were truly intent on using a water bottle for a nefarious purpose, just imagine how many caps he could smuggle in.
Stadium entry. Fans are only allowed to enter the stands in the section in which they are seated, which causes hoots of disbelieving laughter. This is silly in the extreme, since once people have gotten to the stands, they can wander at will.
Noisemakers sold inside the stadium are then confiscated from fans who bring them to the next game.
Beer sales. Fans purchasing beer or wine can buy only one at a time (this rule predates the Sept. 11 attacks). No taking a cup of beer back to your friend or spouse along with your own cup. Of course, you could return 30 seconds later to the same concession and it would cheerfully sell you another beer. Where's the logic?
The Pro Bowl not only attracts national television exposure but fans from the Mainland who have been to other stadiums with more sensible security rules.
We must all hope that the Stadium Authority pays attention on Feb. 9. It needs to rethink its rules for all future UH and high school games.