O'ahu briefs
Advertiser Staff and News Services
Areas to get CIP money
The Capital Improvement Program in the city's budget for the 2002 fiscal year budget, which began yesterday, includes more than $8.5 million for projects in Ko'olauloa.
In La'ie, the city has appropriated about $7.2 million, including $6.6 million for the La'ie Sewer Improvement District; $400,000 for a comfort station at La'ie Beach Park, also called Pounders; and $150,000 for the Kahawainui Stream Flood Control Project, according to City Councilman Steve Holmes.
The budget has $485,000 set aside for Ka'a'awa, including $435,000 to plan, design and construct a comfort station at Ka'a'awa Beach Park; and $50,000 for bus stop improvements.
Kahuku is slated to receive $463,000 for projects. They are $345,000 for Kahuku District Park revised master plan; $48,000 to Kahuku Village conversion to settle relocation claims; $60,000 for parking lot improvements next to Kahuku Village; and $10,000 for anti-crime street lights on Pu'uluana Street.
In Hau'ula, the city allotted $460,000 for improvements, including $400,000 for Hau'ula Community Park that may include a skateboard park and play equipment; and $20,000 each for anti-crime street lights, volleyball courts at Kokololio Beach Park, and guardrail improvements on Hau'ula Homestead Road.
Punalu'u will receive $10,000 for a landscape design for Punalu'u Beach Park.
The city has included lump-sum financing for island-wide projects that may include Ko'olauloa sites for such things as handicapped and other improvements at parks, traffic calming measures, fire station upgrades and flood control, Holmes said.
Top librarian to be honored
The Hawai'i Library Foundation is accepting nominations for 2001 Public Librarian of the Year.
The award recognizes librarians who demonstrate high standards of professionalism, public and community involvement, outstanding customer service, creativity, vision, interpersonal skills and a commitment to educate the public on library services.
Last year's winner was Sri TenCate, branch manager of the Moloka'i Public Library.
The award is co-sponsored by Borders Books, Music and Cafe.
Nominees should have been employed by the Hawai'i State Public Library System for at least five years and have a master's degree in library science or equivalent. Borders employees and former winners are not eligible.
Winners receive a $500 cash prize from the foundation and $500 in cash and certificates from Borders.
Nomination forms are available at all public libraries and Borders and must be received by July 15.
For information, call 837-8069.
Board leaders announced
Lynne Matusow was named chairwoman of the Downtown Neighborhood Board recently.
Other officers named were Burton White, vice chairman; Wendy Lam, secretary; and Dolores Mollring, treasurer.
Committee leaders also were selected. They are: Matusow, city affairs, neighborhood commission and public information; White, O'ahu Metropolitan Planning Organization and Weed and Seed; Mollring, public safety; Karl Rhoads, reapportionment; Tom Smyth, state affairs; Lam, Sun Yat Sen/Fort Street Mall and youth services; Stanford Yuen, visioning teams.