Emergency vehicles out there for all of us
What does it say about us as a society when ambulance drivers have to swerve through traffic to get to an emergency and fire trucks find their way blocked?
As transportation writer Scott Ishikawa chronicled Sunday, more and more drivers of emergency vehicles find the roadways a hazard zone of oblivious drivers and indifferent commuters. Worse yet, some drivers think nothing of following speeding emergency vehicles as a way to get around traffic.
Emergency workers are too kind when they speculate our air-conditioned, stereo-equipped vehicles make it hard for drivers to hear the sirens.
In too many cases, drivers' failure to pull over to clear the way is nothing but callousness.
What does this say about our society? It says we don't care.
We pride ourselves on the unique aloha spirit of these Islands. Let's reclaim that spirit on the roadways. Make room for emergency vehicles. Let them get well past before merging back into traffic. Think of the people they are going to help and think of the safety of the people who are working to save lives.