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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Wednesday, July 4, 2001

Letters to the Editor

Isles can indeed have gambling referendum

As a member of the Republican Party for over 40 years, I strongly disagree with House Minority Leader Galen Fox's June 6 letter in which he says that Hawai'i cannot have a gambling referendum.

Rep. Fox knows, or at least he should, that an advisory referendum pertaining to any issue is legal and can be put forth to the people of Hawai'i should the Legislature allow for it.

Back in the 1930s, the Republican attorney general of the Territory of Hawai'i issued a legal opinion stating that nonbinding advisory referendums are legal. I also believe that an advisory referendum helped bring Hawai'i into the Union in 1959.

In his letter, Fox goes on to blame the Democrats for referendum not being available to the voters of Hawai'i. What Fox fails to point out is that he and his GOP colleagues in the House voted against a bill introduced by then-House Speaker Joe Souki for an advisory referendum on legalized gambling. The bill would have allowed the voters of Hawai'i a legal opportunity to vote at the polls as to whether or not they feel legalized gambling is right for Hawai'i.

Proposing a constitutional amendment to the voters of Hawai'i is not necessary. There are two bills currently in the Legislature that allow the counties to enact legalized gambling if they so desire.

Whitney T. Anderson

Don't assign innocence, guilt based only on age

My duly elected senator and representative refused to represent their constituents, so I thank you for publishing an editorial supporting Gov. Cayetano's veto of the age-of-consent bill.

I run a Web site for rape victims that clearly establishes a girl's best protection is not legislation but education.

Under existing law, any 13-year-old can sexually assault, seduce or test his or her sexuality out on a teacher or other adult. No matter how that adult responds, the 13-year-old is innocent and that adult is guilty (anyone who believes "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" never met a scorned 13-year-old).

It is truly absurd to judge anyone innocent or guilty according to his or her date of birth.

Our legislators are not bright enough to understand that, but one hopes your readers are.

Rico Leffanta

School ploy sounds like a run-around

The word was out on the Mainland: "Don't take your kids to Hawai'i. The teachers are on strike." Since we arrived, I have watched to see if the school board would live up to the bonuses promised.

I did this because I stood on the side of the Sierra Vista School Board when our oldest was in 4th grade and the teachers threatened to strike. A $500 raise was reported to the community, and that ended the strike.

Three weeks into the next school year, the $500 raise became a one-time bonus. I changed sides and opened my home to the striking teachers. My daughter's teacher quit on the first day of the strike, and he was not replaced until the middle of January

This sounds like the same run-around but with a higher price tag.

Most teachers love our children and grandchildren and do all that they can to make the boring classroom interesting so all want to learn. We owe them more than this, so say a word of thanks to the teachers.

Sign the contract that got our teachers off the streets. And pay them now.

Sue Megargee
'Ewa Beach

Police should make themselves visible

Is the Police Department really interested in preventing speeding, or is it more interested in issuing tickets? The reason I ask is that if police officers were serious, they wouldn't be hiding behind freeway pillars, in shaded dark areas, around curves or some other type of entrapment.

And why the unmarked or so-called stealth cars? If they really wanted to slow speeders, you would think they would make themselves visible — just as they preach for neighborhood watches, where they say the more you make yourselves visible, the greater the deterrence.

So instead of the unmarked cars and hiding around curves, etc., make yourselves visible. Everyone slows whenever there is an officer in sight or the sight of a police car.

At one time, the previous administration would park unmanned police cars around the freeways just to deter speeding and it worked. So get rid of the unmarked cars, stand out in the open when using the radar gun and turn on the blue lights at night to make yourself visible.

Steve Plahy
Pearl City

Macy's move means big things for Hawai'i

Federated Department Stores (Macy's) taking control of all Liberty House stores will benefit Hawai'i. A company with strong assets versus a company having operated under bankruptcy will stimulate better business for Hawai'i's vendors.

For the customers, having Macy's in Hawai'i will mean better prices, more products, better service and more opportunity for Hawai'i's job market.

Now, if Macy's could only transfer its Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and fireworks show from New York to Honolulu, I'm sure everyone in Hawai'i would be even happier.

Arsenio Pelayo

Garbage collection system is outdated

We stayed for the month of May in Waikiki, and enjoyed very much the comfortable life.

One thing we felt uncomfortable with, however, was the collection and disposal system of garbage, as it is quite different from that we practice here in my town, Tokyo. During our stay in Waikiki, we were told that the garbage is separated into two groups before dumping — glasses and the rest — and the latter would mostly be used for landfill.

We realize that the practice we now use in Tokyo differs from what we used to do some time ago. And every country or its districts have their own reasons and background to use the system they use now. But in view of the very beautiful island of O'ahu and streets most neatly maintained, we did not feel comfortable in thinking the garbage might eventually spoil some part of the island by the current collection system of home garbage.

Here in Tokyo, it is the practice that each home should separate the garbage into five to six groups according to type for collection by city, office or certain local community agents, and they will be recycled or disposed of, depending on the type collected.

We plan to revisit your island in the near future and would like to see some discussions held about the home garbage collection and disposal system in the beautiful islands.

Motoo Shimo

St. Anthony vandals nothing but cowards

To the vandals of St. Anthony's Church: You lolos really show that you don't belong in the gene pool. You're probably the same ones who showed your disrespect at Punchbowl.

If you really want to vent your anger, why not do it at the nearest cop shop? Come on, you sissies, show everybody you got some guts. Hey, better yet, whoa, heaven forbid, do it at, say, 2 p.m. instead of under the cover of darkness. You are cowards, admit it.

Artie White
Kailua, Kona, Big Island

Flintstones moving here

So Fred, Wilma, Barney and Betty are going to be moving from the town of Bedrock to Hanauma Bay?

How nice they have decided to bring their houses with them.

Will Dino have to go through quarantine, or are dinosaurs exempt?

Sam Nottage