Posted on: Sunday, July 8, 2001
Community Calendar
PAUL BRAGG free exercise class by his daughter Pat, 9-10:30 a.m. Monday to Saturday, Fort DeRussy lawn, next to Army Museum.
TOMORROW "EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: SENDING, RECEIVING, LISTENING," free workshop on special education, 5 p.m., Hale Na'au Pono (Old Kaiser Building), 87-217 St. John's Road, Wai'anae. 696-2371.
THE WORLD BELOW," an award-winning video by Lew Trusty, internationally recognized underwater photographer, 6:30 p.m., Hawai'i Kai Public Library meeting room, 249 Lunalilo Home Road; free.
TUESDAY SENIOR CENTER PRESENTATIONS, 10 a.m., Central Union Church women's building, 1660 S. Beretania St.; featuring "The History of Camp Mokul«'ia" by Philip Geissel, executive director of the camp; free. 941-0957.
"HOW I FOUNDED THE COMMERCIAL INTERNET IN JAPAN," lecture by Roger Boisvert, chairman and representative director, CTR Ventures, 4:15-5:45 p.m., University of Hawai'i at Manoa, College of Business Administration, 2404 Maile Way,
Room C102; free; $3 parking just below Business Administration building. 956-6923.
KAIMUKI/PALOLO/WAI'ALAE-KAHALA VISION MEETING, 7 p.m., Wesley United Methodist Church, 1350 Hunakai St. 523-4385.
GAM ANON, 7:30-9 p.m., Harris United Methodist Church, 20 S. Vineyard Blvd. (also 7:30-9 p.m. Thursday, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 638 N. Kuakini St., Liliha, without Gam Anon). 595-8838.
SHAKTI YOGA CLASS, yoga with meditation, affirmation and
toning, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Honolulu Church of Light, 1539 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ala Moana business district; free. 952-0880.
"FEDERAL DISABILITY POLICY," free presentation by Paul Marchand, assistant executive director for policy and advocacy, The Arc of the United States, 10 a.m.-noon, State Capitol auditorium; topics include Bush administrative policies and regulatory issues, legislative issues, and trends at the Supreme Court; sponsored by the Disability and Communication Access Board and The Arc in Hawai'i; sign-language interpreters and auxiliary aids to be provided, call in advance. 586-8121.
PREVENTION community meeting on Department of Health's state incentive grant, 5-7 p.m., Leeward Health Center, first-floor conference room, 860 Fourth St., Pearl City; information on how to apply for a grant, building a community prevention partnership, identifying local needs, using appropriate prevention practices in your community. 692-7531.
"WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN," video presentation on dealing quickly and effectively with children's behavior problems, 6:30-8 p.m., North Kohala Family Center, near Chalon Offices in Hawi; sponsored by AmeriCorps Parent Support Project. 808-889-5002.
MILILANI VISION MEETING 7:15 p.m., Mililani Recreation Center III, 95-281 Kaloapau St. 523-4385.
NEWCOMERS CLUB OF HONOLULU 10 a.m. welcome coffee at a private residence; also noon lunch at The Plaza downtown, July 19, with 11:30 social hour;
call for reservations. 944-33310.
BOARD OF EDUCATION general business meeting 3:30 p.m., board room, Queen Lili'uokalani Building, Miller Street at Punchbowl Street; agenda includes approval of a proposed policy on mid-level education (after 7 p.m. recess).
"U.S.-JAPAN TRADE RELATIONS: PAST AND FUTURE," lecture by Theresa Greaney, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 4:15-5:45 p.m., UH-Manoa College of Business Administration, 2404 Maile Way, Room C102; free; $3 parking just below Business Administration building, walk up to meeting room. 956-6923. KO'OLAU LOA VISION MEETING, Hau'ula Community Center, 54-010 Kukuna Road; call for time. 523-4385. Mñ'ILI'ILI/MAKIKI/MANOA VISION MEETING, 6:30 p.m., Ala Wai School cafeteria, 503 Kamoku St. 523-4385.
KAKO'O 'OHANA PA'AHAO, support/activity group for families of current or former inmates, ex-inmates and community members who want positive change; 6:30 p.m., Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center,
1300 Halona St. 833-7694.
GRIEF SHARE, video seminar
series and support group; 7-9 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 1822 Ke'eaumoku St., Makiki. 532-1111.
LYON ARBORETUM SUMMER PLANT SALE, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Blaisdell Center Exhibition Hall; thousands of plants, advice from experts, handicrafts, lei, jams, jellies, books; chef Kusuma Cooray to sign her new book. 988-0464. CHUN'S BEACH AND MALAEKAHANA BEACH CLEANUP, meet at noon at Save the Sea Turtles International Foundation, 61-529 Kameha-meha Hwy., Hale'iwa; purified water, light pupu provided. 637-2211.
SUPPORT GROUPS AD/HD Support Group for parents of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. 536-9684. AlAnon. 948-2666.