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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted at 4:15 p.m., Monday, July 9, 2001

Mirikitani says he won't resign

Embattled City Councilman Andy Mirikitani is resisting pressure from his colleagues and community leaders who have urged him to step down from his office following his felony conviction in his public corruption case.

Mirikitani issued a statement this afternoon saying, "...it is not my intention to resign from my position on the City Council."

The councilman said he would, however, give up his committee assignments.

"As I have over the past 12 years, I will continue to serve my constituents, handle all constituent concerns, and voice constituents' concerns at Council and committee meetings," he said.

Mirikitani said he is working with his attorney, John Edumunds, on his appeal of "certain issues in this case."

Mirikitani, 45, was convicted of public corruption charges in connection with a kickback scheme in which he paid large bonuses to two former aides. In exchange, they returned a portion to him and his campaign.

Several of Mirikitani's colleagues have said he should resign following his conviction in the case. Gov. Ben Cayetano today said Mirikitani will need to make up his own mind on whether to step down, but the governor said if he were the councilman, he would resign..