Posted on: Friday, July 20, 2001
Hawai'i chief justice reappoints nine judges
Advertiser Staff
Chief Justice Ronald Moon has reappointed John Campbell, Wilson Loo, Christopher McKenzie, Clarence Pacarro and Nancy Ryan as part-time judges for Oahu's District Family Court.
Loo's term will expire in July 2002. Campbell, McKenzie, Pacarro and Ryan have four-year terms that will expire in July 2005.
Moon also reappointed Lawrence Cohen, Peter Van Name Esser, Lono Lee and Gregg Young as part-time judges for the Honolulu District Court. Esser's term will expire in July 2002. Cohen, Lee and Young have four-year terms that will expire in July 2005.
Campbell's most recent position before retirement was as supervising deputy attorney general. Loo is a partner in the law firm Torkildson, Katz, Fonseca, Jaffe, Moore and Hetherington.
McKenzie, who is in private practice, has experience handling personal injury cases. Pacarro, a former city deputy corporation counsel, is a sole practitioner in private practice.
Ryan, a partner with the Pacific Law Group, previously practiced with the law firm of Fujiyama, Duffy and Fujiyama.
Cohen, Esser and Lee are sole practitioners in private practice. Cohen, who has experience in civil litigation, was previously senior litigator in the law firm of Price, Okamoto, Himeno and Lum. Esser was formerly a partner with the firm Peterson and Esser, specializing in appeals. Lee's work includes representing claimants in labor and workers' compensation law cases.
Young has been a sole practitioner in private practice since 1994.