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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, July 29, 2001

Community Calendar

Advertiser Staff


• "SWEET DREAMS ARE MADE OF THIS," class on how to prepare tiramisu and other delectables, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Japanese Cultural Center, 2454 S. Beretania St., Mo'ili'ili; $25. 945-7633

• AMERICORPS CENTER TO END VIOLENCE informational meetings for prospective volunteers who will work as a team to end family violence, receive a living allowance, educational awards and other benefits, 6-8 p.m., 545 Queen St.; call for information and reservations. 528-7042 or 1-800-839-5200.

• BEGINNING EXPERIENCE OF HAWAI'I, support ministry group for divorced, widowed or separated people, 7-9 p.m., Sts. Peter and Paul Church, 800 Kaheka St.; $20 donation. 949-3387.


• ORIENTATION MEETING for prospective parents of foster and adopted children who have been neglected or abused; sponsored by Child and Family Service; call for time and location. 543-8402.

• "TEACHING IN POLAND," video presentation for senior citizens by Dee Lawrence, a Central Union Church member, 10 a.m., Central Union Church women's building, 1660 S. Beretania St., Makiki. 941-0957.

• LEI-MAKING CLASSES, learn to make a wili or huku lei, bring flowers, raffia and a clipper to class, 1-3 p.m., Wahiawa Botanical Garden, 1396 California Ave.; 1-3 p.m. Wednesday, Ho'omaluhia Botanical Garden, 45-680 Luluku Road, Kane'ohe; and 1-3:30 p.m. Friday, Foster Botanical Garden, 180 N. Vineyard Blvd.; free; reservations required. 522-7064.

• "CORPORATE STRATEGY CHALLENGES OF A GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY," lecture by Tareq Hoque, president of Adtech, Inc.; 4:15-5:45 p.m., College of Business Administration, 2404 Maile Way, Room C102, University of Hawai'i-Manoa; free, upper campus parking $3. 956-6923.

• LIVING HISTORY SERIES, war experiences to be shared by veterans who served in the Military Intelligence Service; also, the MIS will receive the Presidential Unit Citation from former President Bill Clinton, 6:30 p.m., Japanese Cultural Center, 2454 S. Beretania St., Mo'ili'ili; preview of the documentary "Uncommon Courage: Patriotism and Civil Liberties," moderator, Barbara Tanabe; free. 945-7633.


• Friends and Family Affected by Incarceration Together Healing, support groups, 6 p.m., first and third Wednesdays, Unity Church of Hawai'i, 3608 Diamond Head Circle, Diamond Head/Kapahulu. 735-4436.


• PAPERMAKING, hands-on workshop, learn how to make your own natural paper, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Lyon Arboretum, 3860 Manoa Road; $16 fee, members $12; bring a brown bag lunch and wear old clothing; register. 988-0456.

• COMPUTERS AND MUSIC MAKING, recent trends, aesthetic issues and practical considerations relating to the use of technology in music, lecture by composer, Jon Magnussen, 7:30 p.m., Yukiyoshi Room, Krauss 012, UH-Manoa. 956-3836.


• "COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS, PTA MOTHERS AND WELFARE RECIPIENTS: LOCAL PLAYERS AND THE MAKING OF A NEW SOCIAL ORDER IN JAPAN," lecture by Lynne Nakano, assistant professor of Japanese Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 3-5 p.m., Moore Hall 319, UH-Manoa. 956-2665.