Faith Calendar
The religion calendar appears on the Faith page each Saturday. Send your listing to Island Life/Faith, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802. Include date, time, place, who's involved and cost, if any, of events, along with a daytime contact number .
"A TO Z" SALE, antiques to zabutons, bargains in the courtyard, lunch on the lanai, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Unity Church at Diamond Head, 3608 Diamond Head Circle; prices $3-$5. 735-4436.
THE DAY OF PENTECOST SERVICE, 9 a.m., St. Andrew's Cathedral, Queen Emma Square, downtown; reception follows. 524-2822.
"CARING FOR CREATION," the Lani Kamaha'o Campsite, last in the series, 10 a.m. service, Central Union Church, Women's Building, 1660 S. Beretania St.; childcare provided. 941-0957.
"A FEW OF OUR FAVORITE THINGS," 10:15 a.m. service, The First Unitarian Church, 2500 Pali Highway, Nu'uanu. 595-4047.
CHURCH AT THE BEACH, 10:15 a.m. service by The City Church of Honolulu, Magic Island picnic area No. 39. 946-4720.
JAPANESE LANGUAGE SERVICE, 1:30 p.m. every Sunday, Kaimuki Evangelical Church, 1419 10th Ave., Kaimuki. 945-2645.
CHRISTIAN MUSIC SHOWCASE, mini-concert by local Christian performers, 2 p.m., Ala Moana Centerstage; free. 256-7586.
FULLERTON COLLEGE CONCERT CHOIR performing 7 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 1020 S. Beretania St., Honolulu. 522-9555.
"WALKING BETWEEN WORLDS," message service, 9 a.m., Honolulu Church of Light, 1539 Kapi'olani Blvd.; also "THE GREAT SHIFT" television series, "LISTENING TO YOUR INNER GUIDANCE," 10 p.m., Oceanic Channel 52; for topic, call 952-0880.
SINGLE AGAIN/DIVORCE CARE, teaching and support group for people in broken relationships 7-9 p.m., New Hope Christian Fellowship cafe, 290 Sand Island Road; optional workbook $13.50; just drop in. 847-5930.
ZHINE, calm, abiding meditation instruction with Lama Wangchuk 7-8 p.m., 1356-B Wilhelmina Rise; donation welcome. 735-2262.
KAILUA CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S CLUB, "Here Comes the Bride," monthly lunch buffet, 10:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Mid-Pacific Country Club, 266 Ka'elepulu Drive, Kailua; $14 fee, $2 parking. 395-1708; 247-1185.
"ADAPTING MENTAL POSITIONS TO TRUTH," 7 p.m., followed by a spiritual healing service, Aquarian Foundation, 2440 Kuhio Ave. lobby level, Waikiki. 926-8134.
"SUCCESS WITHOUT STRESS," seminar by Dr. Jay Scott Neale on the power of positive thinking, 7-9:30 p.m., 2926 Woodlawn Drive, Manoa; free, donation optional; also 10 a.m. June 10, Ala Moana Hotel; sponsored by The Center for Positive Living. 988-5069.
"UNCOVERING THE HIDDEN SELF: WHO ARE YOU LORD? WHO AM I?" two-day workshop on dream work, journaling and mask weaving by Sister Mary Neill, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 1020 S. Beretania St., Maile Room, Honolulu; $35 fee, seniors $25. 523-1170.
CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN MUSIC, 7-9 p.m., The Giving Tree, Espresso Cafe, Pearl Highlands Shopping Center, 1000 Kamehameha Highway; free. 455-8733.