Coming Events
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• Retired U.S. Ambassador William Bodde will be among experts in international business participating in an ongoing "2001 Pacific Asian Lecture Series" sponsored by the University of Hawai'i College of Business Administration. The free public lectures are offered 4:15 to 5:45 p.m. in Room C102 at 2404 Maile Way on the Manoa campus. The series of discussions, scheduled during UH Summer School Sessions I and II, include:
Tomorrow — "Why Ethics and Profits Can and Must Work together in Business," by Donald Robin, Wake Forest University.
Thursday — "Asia Policy in the George W. Bush Administration," by retired ambassador Bodde.
Also scheduled June 20, as part of the event, will be the annual N.H. Paul Chung Lecture, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., including luncheon, at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Timothy Stearns of California State University at Fresno will speak on "The Entrepreneurial Wave: Coming Changes in the Global Economy." Fee. Registration: 956-8041.
For information about the continuing free, lecture series, call: 956-6902.
• East O'ahu Breakfast Club will hold a networking meeting from 7 to 8:15 a.m. Tuesday, Hawai'i Kai Golf Course Restaurant. Home and small-business owners welcome. Speaker: Jane Smoot of Edward Jones Investments, on "Beyond the Bear 2001: Bull or Bear market? ö Smart Investors Don't Care." Breakfast reservations: 395-8511.
• Offshore Banking and Internet Security will be the topic of a free public address Wednesday sponsored by the Libertarian Party Of Hawai'i. The speaker will be John Orendt, webmaster for the Australian Objectivists. The informal dinner meeting begins at 5:30 p.m., at the Straub Clinic and Hospital cafeteria. Information: Roger Taylor, 352-5683.
• The city budget will be among issues discussed by Honolulu Mayor Jeremy Harris at the next meeting of The Exchange Club Of Downtown Honolulu. The meeting is scheduled noon to 1:30 p.m. Thursday at O'ahu Country Club. Fee; guests welcome. Information: Ed Kemper, 524-0330.
• City Prosecuting Attorney Peter Carlisle will speak on "Work-Place Violence and Condo Crime" at the annual luncheon meeting Thursday of the Hawai'i Council of Associations of Apartment Owners, scheduled from an 11:30 a.m. registration, to about 1:30 p.m. at the Hale Koa Hotel, Fort DeRussy, Banyan Room. Fee. RSVP by noon tomorrow: Nancy Tomczak, 533-2528.
• Information Systems Security Association Hawai'i chapter will meet 11:30 a.m., Friday, Hale Koa Hotel, Fort DeRussy, Laulima Room. Speaker: Duane Takamine, of Secure Technology Hawai'i, "Messaging System Security Issues and Architecture." Fee. Reservations, Steve Gose, 547-4792.
• "The 10 Most Important Things You Need to Know About Long-Term Care," an educational seminar, will be presented by Occidental Underwriters of Hawai'i, 9 to 10 a.m. Saturday at 1163 S. Beretania St. Speaker: Gayle Lau, of Nu'uanu Hale. Limited seating. Reservations: Charlene Sumida, 527-8817.
• The Internal Revenue Service will extend its normal Monday-through-Friday tax assistance schedule at the Prince Kuhio Federal Building with a one-day "IRS Problem Solving Day," Saturday, in conjunction with state tax representatives. People with problems or questions on either federal or state tax matters may visit IRS offices, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at 300 Ala Moana. Appointments suggested: federal, 800-829-1040; state, 587-1791; walk-ins accepted.
• The Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce will install fiscal 2001-02 officers at its annual dinner banquet scheduled to start at 6 p.m. July 14 with cocktails at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Tapa Ballroom. Fee: $50 per person. Men's attire: business suit or jacket. RSVP by July 6. Information: Renee Yamada, 949-5531.
• A new study on Hawai'i's time-share resort market will be released at the upcoming luncheon meeting of the local chapter of the Travel and Tourism Research Association, from 11:30 a.m. registration to 1:30 p.m., June 20, at the Hawai'i Prince Hotel Waikiki, Mauna Kea Ballroom. The speaker will be Howard Nusbaum, president and chief operating officer of the American Resort Development Association. The nonprofit, Washington-based organization represents more than 1,600 resorts, including second-home resorts, vacation time-share developers and others. Fee; students and guests welcome. RSVP by Friday: Kate Moore, 538-3884.