Posted on: Thursday, June 14, 2001
Pit bull attacks show need for more liability
The horrifying pit bull attack on the Big Island last weekend that left a child dead and his mother badly mauled has revived talk of a ban on the ownership of these animals.
The sentiment is understandable, but coming up with an outright ban on ownership of one breed of dog while others remain legal may be difficult.
It is true that pit bulls sometimes bred for fighting have figured in an inordinate number of dog attack incidents both in Hawai'i and across the Mainland. But it is also true that not all pit bulls are dangerous and it is equally true that other breeds can sometimes attack or injure a person.
The issue is less the dangerousness of any particular breed than it is proper training and handling of the animal. Far too many people are careless or cavalier with their dogs.
Thus, one approach might be to catch the attention of the humans who own these creatures. The counties should consider a strict liability statute that would make owners directly responsible and accountable for damage or injury caused by animals under their control.
Yes, victims can always sue the owner of an animal. But that is a difficult and ambiguous process. A law that specifically assigned liability to those owners whose pets cause harm might result in better control of the animals and, in some cases, a decision to get a pet with a less dangerous reputation.