Posted on: Saturday, June 16, 2001
Expressions of Faith
In times of turmoil, trust God
By Robert Moore
Hope Chapel Kane‘ohe Bay
Robert Moore |
For weeks my chest was so tight, I could barely breathe. My soul was overwhelmed by angry messages. A former acquaintance got angry at a friend he couldn't reach, so he took out his anger on me. My days were suddenly dark. Personal worship vanished. My prayer life melted into cries of desperation.
A trip to the Mainland took every bit of strength I could muster. With a heart of cement, I stepped away from the platform of a college auditorium where I had spoken at a chapel service. Students standing in line with questions and words of encouragement were more a bother than a blessing. Escape to an airplane for home was the only thing on my mind. As the auditorium finally emptied, a young girl handed me a nicely wrapped package from a local art shop. Her pastor had asked her to give it to me. It was a gift of thanks for a favor I had done.
Weariness turned to joy as I unrolled a photographic print of a man standing at the base of an offshore lighthouse. He stood calmly. One hand was in his pocket. The other was holding a cup of coffee as waves crashed all around him. His stance conveyed unshakable security.
I felt that God had sent me that poster. He had heard my cry and promised the protection I sought.
I called the friend who sent it just to check his motive for giving me the poster. If he knew of my despair, the picture wouldn't have meant as much. He said he just sent it because he owed me a favor and he knew I like to snoop around lighthouses. He had no idea I was under attack.
His words convinced me all the more that God was trying to send me a message through the image.
I remembered the word of the Lord to Israel on the day he piled up the waters of the Red Sea. Through their leader, God said: "Don't be afraid. Just stand where you are and watch the Lord rescue you. The enemy that you see today will never be seen again." (Exodus 14:13 NLT) I like the part about standing one's ground while letting God come to the rescue. We try so hard to make things work. But at some point, we run out of strength and out of options. When we give up and turn to God, he rescues us.
Like that lighthouse, God is a place of safety to those who choose the safety he provides.
When I saw the guy standing in the place of shelter surrounded by storm, I somehow decided God was capable of sorting out my problem. I figured he was my best hope. I chose to relax and move on.
That day was the turning point. The threats ceased. I believe that turning the problem over to God allowed him to do whatever it was that He did to silence the attacker.
God is on our side. He cares about our problems and can help us deal with them if we put our trust in his hands.
Ralph Moore is the founding and senior pastor of Hope Chapel Kane'ohe Bay. Expressions of Faith is a column written by pastors, priests, lay workers and other leaders in faith and spirituality. To contribute, e-mail or call 525-8036.