Kumu Kahua reviving 'Aloha Friday'
By Wayne Harada
Advertiser Entertainment Editor
Lee Cataluna's "Aloha Friday," a comedy about the misadventures of a mythical Kaua'i cable TV station, will be revived by Kumu Kahua from July 12 through Aug. 12 at Kumu's downtown theater, at 46 Merchant St.
BullDog, a member of the Honolulu Theatre for Youth acting company, will direct.
"Aloha Friday" introduces employees of Menehune Cable Vision, which operates on Hawaiian time, and dwells on the cast and crew of such local programs as "Shooting Goat With the Two Monizes," and "Shoot First, Go Eat Hamura's After."
Cataluna, a playwright who also has worked on Island TV, now is a columnist for The Advertiser.
Tickets: $5 to $15, available beginning July 2, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays.
Reservations: 536-4411.