The Left Lane
Art museum director discusses censorship
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Arnold Lehman heads the Brooklyn Museum of Art, where a showing of British works upset the local mayor.
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The lecture is free and is open to the public.
"Sensation" was a 1999 Brooklyn Museum exhibition that presented young British artists to New York, scandalizing New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who nearly shut down the museum. Long-term repercussions have led to the mayor's calling for a "decency panel" of lay people whose mandate it would be to review exhibitions put on by any New York City museum using public money.
Lehman, who holds a doctorate in art history from Yale University, is here as juror for the academy's annual Artists of Hawai'i exhibition, which opens July 19.
Virginia Wageman, Advertiser art critic
Yacht crew promotes leukemia charity
Make way for Two Guys on the Edge, winner of last year's Transpacific Yacht Race in the "doublehanded" division. Reigning champs Dan Doyle and Bruce Burgess will be back in the competition this year, but this time with a supporting cast.
Natalie Frazier, a 12-year-old leukemia survivor who finds boats and sailing "really fun," has been selected as an honorary crew member and will cheer her two teammates on with words of inspiration via ham radio from her home in Mililani. "I can't wait to talk to them when they're out on sea," said an excited Frazier.
Doyle decided to dedicate this year's entry to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to draw attention to the race against blood-related cancers. "The fact that they're helping others is really cool," said Frazier. "They're doing this on their own time, from the heart, and I think more people should be more understanding."
The 41st Transpacific Yacht Race, which starts in Los Angeles and finishes in Honolulu, begins Monday and run through July 1. For information or to make contributions to the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society, call 534-1222.
Jean Chow, Advertiser staff writer
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Is Rover getting bored with his dog dish? Cook him something.
Hawaii Doggie Bakery and Gift Shop at Ward Warehouse is offering a cooking class for dog lovers, who can learn how to make Hiwa's Healthy Hawaiian Energy Bars, named for the head baker's chocolate Labrador.
Three different versions of the treats will be demonstrated, made with fresh poi and organic Big Island honey.
The class is scheduled for 5:30-7:30 p.m. Sunday; cost is $38. 521-7297.
Joan Namkoong, Advertiser food editor