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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Wednesday, June 27, 2001

Movie Openings

In "Baby Boy," Jody (Tyrese Gibson) must face up to his responsibilities: his son (Kaylan Bolton) and his "baby mama" (Taraji Henson).

Columbia Pictures

"Baby boy": John Singleton's latest project focuses on some of the same themes as his his 1991 "Boyz N the Hood": Here, Melvin, a young black man who mooches off his mom for years and avoids taking care of his child, finally learns responsibility. Starring Tyrese Gibson, Ving Rhames, Omar Gooding, Taraji Henson, Tamara LaSeon, Snoop Dogg. Opens today at Dole Cannery 18 Theatres, Ward Stadium 16-Plex, Pearl Highlands 12, Pearlridge West 16-Plex, Kapolei 16-Plex, Mililani 14-Plex, Ko'olau 10-Plex, Kailua Cinemas, Makalapua Cinemas (Big Island), Kress Cinemas (Big Island), Maui Mall Megaplex Cinemas (Maui). (R).