60 Seconds on Business
Flexibility improves customer service
By Dr. Drake Beil
President, Solutions Inc.
What makes it hard to serve customers? Frequently, it's too much structure, too much red tape.
This is not to say that all structure is bad; you have to have some. The real issue is how much is enough.
The question is about flexibility, the ability to move or adjust in a timely manner.
To create flexibility, try alignment by process rather than outcome. This means letting the form follow the function.
To look at your service, determine whether the process is fluid or rigid from the customer's point of view. How easy is it for them to ask a question, or get an answer? How easy is it to get a refund?
When you find a blockage, make a diagram of each stage of the product or service delivery, and see where barriers exist.
Flexibility also requires companies to let their employees make customer-friendly decisions without being thwarted by the red tape. Achieving this can be done in three steps. First, free up the flow of information.
Second, don't give up. Don't let setbacks deter you.
And, finally, model decision-making strategies after the turtle. Turtles can't move forward unless they come out of their shells. They can only make progress when they slowly stick their necks out.
Dr. Drake Beil can be reached at drake@60secondsonbusines.com.