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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, May 6, 2001



Renewable energy
(HB 173 HD2 SD2 CD1)
Would set standards for Hawai'i's electric companies regarding the percentage of their power that should be drawn from "renewable" sources such as solar and wind energy. Sets a target for companies to encourage them to draw 7 percent of their net electricity sales from renewable sources by the end of 2003, 8 percent by the end of 2005, and 9 percent by the end of 2010. Also requires electric utilities to provide net energy metering contracts to customers who generate electricity.

Carrying capacity
(HB 200 HD1)
Allocates $1.2 million to study the carrying capacity of Hawai'i for tourism.

Oil spills
(HB 200 HD1)
Allocates $1 million to be used over the next two years to clean up oil spills in harbors because of underground pipe leaks.

Dumping penalties
(HB 662 HD2)
Makes it a felony offense punishable by up to five years in prison to dump used motor oil or hazardous waste. Also allows civil fines of up to $25,000 per day for dumping. Gov. Ben Cayetano has signed the bill into law.

Land Board procedures
(SB 981 SD1 HD2 CD1)
Would increase the number of members on the Board of Land and Natural Resources from six to seven, and at-large membership from two to three. The measure would also require a simple majority vote of board members present to vote to approve conservation district permits and site plans.

Invasive species
(HB 200 HD1)
The House draft of the budget provides $200,000 over the next two years for invasive species rapid response programs.

Growth planning
(SB 1473 SD2 HD1)
Would establish a special adviser and "smart growth" advisory council to implement growth and development strategies to reduce the public costs of growth and preserve the character, livability, and economic productivity of established communities and rural areas.

Recycling center
(HB 369 HD2 SD1)
Authorizes up to $2,500,000 in special purpose revenue bonds to help Environmental Recycling Technologies, Inc. finance a facility in Kapolei for recycling waste oil into diesel fuel.


Airport exemption
Would have exempted airport projects from the usual county planning and approval processes, and from the Special Management Area permit process that regulates coastal development.

Energy credits
Extends deadline for energy conservation income tax credits to July 1, 2006. The credits, which are scheduled to expire in 2003, encourage people to purchase solar hot water heating and other systems for their homes.

Fishing restrictions
Would have prohibited net fishing in certain harbors and bays throughout the state. SB 185 SD1 HD1 CD1 prohibits net fishing only in Hanama'ulu Bay until June 30, 2003.

Bottle deposits
Would have required deposits on bottles and cans beginning on Oct. 1, 2002 to encourage recycling and reduce litter.

Citizen lawsuits
Would allow citizens to file lawsuits in state courts to enforce state clean water laws.

State parks
Would allow no more than $50 million a year from the hotel room tax to be spent on tourism promotion. Extra hotel tax collections would be diverted to pay for state park improvement and park land acquisition.

Makua commission
Establishes a Makua Reserve Commission to oversee preservation and restoration activities in Makua Valley on O'ahu.