60 Seconds on Business
Not too late for businesses to start using the Internet
By Dr. Drake Beil
President, Solutions Inc.
Now is the best time ever to start using the Internet as part of your business strategy.
Advertising and marketing research has proved some things work and some don't, so you can avoid the mistakes that early adopters made. Here are winning ideas you can use immediately:
First, try applications that launch and sit on customers' desktops. JiffyLube uses a "virtual glove box," a shockwave application that can be downloaded and sits in the corner of your screen every day. It reminds you when it's time to take your car in for servicing and feeds you daily driving tips. Moms get tips on keeping junior happy in the back seat. Commuters get advice on defensive driving and controlling road rage. Everyone can access audio books to enjoy in the car.
ESPN did a Dodge Garage promotion generating 15 million impressions in three days. At the Dodge Garage Web site, customers receive "private" content on race events. ESPN had a 6 percent click-through and a frequency of seven times, which meant people came back and enjoyed the easy-to-get, targeted information.
Consider partnering with another company that adds to your distribution channel. 7-Eleven and Yahoo! did a Slurpee promotion that more than tripled their normal return on advertising dollars spent.
Dr. Drake Beil can be reached at drake@60secondsonbusiness.com.