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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted at 1:20 p.m., Tuesday, November 6, 2001

Visitors bureau promoting Hawai'i in China

Associated Press

Representatives of Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau are in China to promote Hawaii at a travel show.

The four-day China International Travel Mart will be held Thursday through Sunday at the Kunming International Trade Center in Kunming, Yunnan Province.

HVCB president Tony Vericella said that as China continues to develop its global travel industry, it will become an increasingly more prominent source of leisure and business travelers for Hawaii's future.

The trade show attracts travel industry exhibitors and buyers from throughout the world, he said. Last year's show attracted 10,000 trade visitors from five continents and more than 40 countries, and 48,000 Chinese residents.

The Hawaii pavilion will be a decorative display of classic Hawaii images and travel products targeted specifically for the China market, the HVCB said. Also featured will be Hawaiian entertainers performing authentic music and dance.

The visitors bureau also will host a VIP reception on Saturday for China-based travel industry executives, travel agents and media.