Advertiser Staff
Jamarama Productions' phone number for information about "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" is 561-1412. A publicist's error led to an incorrect number in a story yesterday.
Boomerangs charges $5.95 and $9.95, respectively, for a quarter-pound- and half-pound barbecued chicken. An editing error caused incorrect amounts to be reported in yesterday's TGIF.
Kahalu'u Elementary was omitted from a list of schools to undergo playground improvements in a story yesterday.
United Airlines has seven overseas flights per day from Honolulu. Erroneous information from a news source led to an incorrect number of flights mentioned in a story yesterday. In the same story, Aloha Airlines employees' unions have rejected a company proposal to consider taking two days leave without pay per month to help restore jobs for furloughed workers. A reporter misstated the proposal.