Hogwarts fans head for Internet
Advertiser Staff
Enjoying Harry Potter books is a solitary experience, it seems. Librarians and booksellers we asked couldn't name any Hawai'i Potter fan clubs or reading groups that meet face to face.
But the Internet provides ample means for virtual communing on matters magical. Here are a few examples:
The HarryPotterHogwartsRPG, a role-playing group that writes collectively in the Potter milieu, sharing and compiling their fiction via e-mail. It's run by Kapi'olani Community College student Victoria Clubb. She wants group members to be experienced in this kind of activity; check to see whether you qualify (www.geocities .com/the harrypotterhogwart srpg/HPjoin.html).
The alt.fan.harry-potter Internet newsgroup is filled with postings by Potter aficionados. Check it out with your favorite newsgroup reading program; or, on the Web, visit groups.google.com/ and type alt.fan.harry-potter in the search window.
Browsing the newsgroup turns up lots of private fan sites such as the one at clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/myharrypotterfanaticclub. This one was started by an adult fan.
Another good place to look: Kids' search engines, such as Ask Jeeves Kids (ajkids.com). Looking there turned up some of the more commercial sites (www.harrypotterfans.com/ is one).
Of course, you'll want to check out the "official" sites, including the one posted by the publisher of the American edition (www.scholastic.com/harrypotter/) and the makers of the movie (harrypotter.warner bros.com/). Warner Bros. also is willing to help you make your own Harry Potter site; check out the online aids (harrypotter.warnerbros.com/hometown/contest/index.html).