Go online to clobber bin Laden
By Burt Lum
During times of stress, whether it is personal turmoil or the threat of global Armageddon, we turn to entertainment as relief. People who, in a safer world, would travel to their favorite hideaway, now seek diversions closer to home. Movies, arcades and video games all offer much-needed escapism. But when you can't get away for hours, the Internet can offer moments of respite.
One phenomenon is the spread of animation sites featuring Public Enemy No. 1, Osama bin Laden. It seems that it is time for some payback. And while the military hunt for bin Laden is serious business, the civilian population needs to kick some booty, as well. So while the global manhunt continues, here are a few ways to aim your crosshairs. has a cartoon showing Colin Powell singing and President Bush beating a drum as bombs fall.
You can play the bin Laden version of Donkey Kong. Equipped with a ball-peen hammer, you wait for bin Laden to pop out of his little hole and you then bop him over the head with your hammer.
One of my favorites is not an interactive game but quite captivating nevertheless. Go to's bin Laden cartoon. You will recognize the theme song right away but the lyrics have been updated to reflect the current times. The graphics of Colin Powell singing and President George W. Bush beating his little drum are hilarious. As the bombs fall from the sky, bin Laden scampers across the changing Afghan landscape. In no time you to will be humming, "Cruise missile knocking at your door." ;-)
Burt Lum, cyber-citizen and self-anointed tour guide to the Internet, is one click away at