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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Saturday, November 17, 2001

Faith Calendar

Advertiser Staff


• PRISON FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES, training for Bible study and seminar leadership, 9 a.m.-noon, New Hope Christian Center, 290 Sand Island Access Road, lower Kalihi; free. 842-4242, Ext. 405.

• PROSPECTIVE MINISTERS' information session by The Hawaii Program for Formation of Spiritual Directors, 1 p.m., First United Methodist Church, South Beretania and Victoria streets; free; also free parking. 523-1170.

• Special services by the Church of Scientology, 12:30 p.m. weekly (also 12:30 p.m. Sundays and 6:15 weekdays), 1146 Bethel St., downtown. 545-5804.


• LABYRINTH, ancient walking meditation, 7:30 a.m., St. Andrew's Cathedral, Davies Hall, Queen Emma Square. 524-2822 Ext. 250.

• "WHAT'S NEXT? LIVING INTO THE FUTURE," 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. services, Waipahu United Church of Christ, 94-330 Mokuola St. 677-3317.

• "A NEW WORLD GIVING THANKS," message service, 9 a.m., Honolulu Church of Light, 1539 Kapi'olani Blvd. 952-0880.

• "A MUSLIM WOMAN'S VOICE," talk by Lena Hasan and Shereen El-Kadi, 9:45 a.m. service, Central Union Church, Women's Building, 1660 S. Beretania St.; childcare in the Children's Center, Room 10. 440-3024.

• "A TIME FOR THANKSGIVING," 10 a.m. service, Center for Positive Living, Ala Moana Hotel garden lanai, Waikiki, lobby level. 988-6907.

• THANKSGIVING SERVICE, 10:45 a.m., First Christian Church of Honolulu, 1516 Kewalo St., Makiki. 521-3500.

• HOW TO SURVIVE SPIRITUALLY IN OUR TIMES," Eckankar worship service, 11 a.m.-noon, Paki Hale, 3840 Paki Ave., near Kapi'olani Park; all welcome. 735-7719.

• "OUT OF BODY TRAVEL TO THE STARS," 11 a.m. service, Aquarian Foundation, 2440 Kuhio Ave., lobby level, Waikiki. 926-8134.

• Open table pilgrimage, principles of Konkokyo teaching, 4-6 p.m., Konkokyo Church, 1728 Liliha St. 263-8567.

• Concert of hymns and spirituals and piano dedication, 4:30 p.m., Windward United Church of Christ, 38 Kane'ohe Bay Drive, Kailua; free. 254-3802.

• DEEVALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS, celebrating the victory of Krishna over the demon Narakasura, 6-11:30 p.m., India Cafe, Kilohana Square, 2851 Kihe'i Place, Kapahulu; free. 864-8628.


• HOPE CHAPEL kAneohe bay PROGRAMS: 12-step meeting for men and women recovering from drug/alcohol addiction, 5:30 p.m.; 12-step program for recovering male addicts only, 7 p.m.; care group for adult children of dysfunctional families, 7 p.m., 45-815 Po'okela Road, Kane'ohe Bay area; free. 235-5814.


• INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE, 7 p.m., Nu'uanu Congregational Church, 2651 Pali Highway. 595-3935.

• THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE, 7 p.m., Our Lady of Sorrows Church, 1403-A California Ave., Wahiawa; nonperishable food donations encouraged. 621-6629.

• THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE, 7:30 p.m., Kailua Methodist Church, 38 Kane'ohe Bay Drive. 261-6238.


• ECUMENICAL THANKSGIVING DAY WORSHIP service, with theme "Transforming Tragedy in Thankfulness," 8:45 a.m., Central Union Church, Women's Building, 1660 S. Beretania St.; seating begins at 8:15 a.m. 941-0957.

• THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE 9 a.m., St. Andrew's Cathedral, Queen Emma Square, downtown. 524-2822. Ext. 215.

• RIVER OF LIFE ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DAY FEAST, traditional menu, with University of Hawai'i President Evan Dobelle as guest carver. Two seatings: 10:10 a.m. and 12:10 p.m., 101 N. Pauahi St., downtown; free. 524-7656.

• THANKSGIVING DAY FEAST OF PRAYER AND PRAISE, 10 a.m., by the Christian Science Society of Kaua'i, Dynasty Court Building, Suite J, Pahe'e Street, Lihu'e; free. 245-9059.

• REFLECTIONS, anger-control group for women, 9-10:30 a.m., Hope Chapel Kaneohe Bay, 45-815 Po'okela Road; free; call Patience; no childcare available. 235-5814.

• HUANUI, daily 12-step meeting for men and women recovering from alcohol/drug addictions, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Hope Chapel Kaneohe Bay, 45-815 Po'okela Road, Kane'ohe; free; no childcare. Call Patience, 235-5814.


• BIBLE STUDY, 6:30 p.m., Waipahu United Church of Christ, 94-330 Mokuola St.; free. 677-3317.

• CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN MUSIC, 7-9 p.m., The Giving Tree Espresso Cafe, Pearl Highlands Shopping Center, 1000 Kamehameha Highway; free.


• "THIS GENTLE FLAME OF LOVE," video, 7:30-9 p.m., Honolulu Eckankar Center, 1056 12th Ave., Room 201, Kaimuki. 735-7719.