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Posted on: Tuesday, November 20, 2001

Byte Marks
Okinawa wired and dynamic

By Burt Lum

West of Hawai'i, Japan has to be the coolest place to mix the modern with the traditional. The Internet is a constant presence, if not through cell phones, then through ever-increasing broadband connections. On a recent trip to Okinawa, I experienced the magnetism of a people and a culture during the third Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival. And the Internet was the nexus.

Okinawa has the power to draw Okinawans from all over the globe back to their roots. There was unprecedented representation of Okinawans from 30 countries, and more than 5,000 attended opening ceremonies. Like other island communities, Okinawa faces many economic challenges. But this gathering of so many Okinawans worldwide was catalytic.

Each time I travel to Okinawa, it is quite startling how much progress is made. In little over a year, they have every flavor of broadband connection from cable modems to ADSL and literally dozens of Internet service providers or ISPs.

If you visit the Pacific Hotel in Naha, there is an ISP/Internet cafe called Cosmos. Although Internet cafes are commonplace, I was attracted to Cosmos because of its streaming video. I was able to download archived content at 220 kbps by cable modem.

Shintetsu Kuniyoshi, owner of the Pacific Hotel and Cosmos ISP, told me the key to his Internet service was unique content. On his Cosmos site you will find a weekly news program featuring news and highlights from Okinawa. Although the site is entirely in Japanese, fans of Okinawa will appreciate the effort. I was impressed with the opening and closing ceremonies of the Uchinanchu Festival available for on-demand viewing.

The connection between Okinawa and Hawai'i strengthens. An English version of CBCS is in the works, and if Kuniyoshi's fascination with Hawai'i is any indication, fans of the Web site soon will be treated to videos originating from Hawai'i. ;-)

Burt Lum, cyber-citizen and self-anointed tour guide to the Internet, is one click away at burt@brouhaha.net.