Posted at 11:40 a.m., Wednesday, November 21, 2001
Pacific chief rules out combat in terror war
By Jasbant Singh
Associated Press
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia U.S. forces were unlikely to have a combat role against terrorist groups in Southeast Asia, but could offer support to governments that asked for it, the U.S. Pacific commander said today.
Speaking during a tour of Southeast Asian countries, Adm. Dennis Blair, the chief of the U.S. Pacific Command, said U.S. military involvement in the region wouldn't resemble its role in Afghanistan.
"I certainly do not see other Afghanistans in this part of the world," Blair said.
The United States was providing equipment, intelligence and military advisers to the Philippines to help it deal with the Abu Sayyaf guerrilla group, and stood ready to help other Southeast Asian countries fight terrorism.
Blair said the fight against terror in Southeast Asia would involve identifying and capturing terrorists, denying them money and sanctuaries and preventing them from traveling.