Neighbor Island briefs
Advertiser Staff and News Services
Maui's mayor to speak Dec. 4
KAHULUI, Maui — Thursday is the deadline for reservations to attend a breakfast meeting of the Maui Chamber of Commerce set for Dec. 4, when Mayor James "Kimo" Apana will deliver his annual report. The meeting will begin at 7:30 a.m. at the Maui Beach Hotel's Pool Terrace. The cost to attend is $20 for chamber members and $25 for nonmembers who pay in advance. An extra $5 will be charged for those who pay at the door.
To make a reservation, call the chamber at (808) 871-7711.
Big Island power break hits 4,300
A Big Island power break left more than 4,300 users without electricity for five minutes on Thanksgiving morning. The interruption happened when a Hamakua Energy Partners generator tripped off-line at 9:44 a.m., the Hawaii Electric Light Co. said.