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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Friday, October 5, 2001


Advertiser Staff



Oct. 28 — Manoa Girls Athletic Club Registration. At Manoa District Park Pavilion (2721 Kaaipu Ave.). 9-11 a.m. Grades 2-12; Birth years 1984-1994. Fee: $75. Information: Manoa Park, 988-4747.

Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27 — C.H.A.M.P.S. Experience Basketball Clinic. At Holy Nativity Church and School, 'Aina Haina. Ages 5-9: 9 a.m.-11 a.m., Ages 10 and older: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Fee: $70. Information: Artie Wilson 377-8111 or Tim Shepherd 395-6142.

Nov. 3-Jan 26 — Girls Winter Basketball Clinic. At Sacred Hearts Academy Gym, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Saturdays. Ages 9-17. Focuses on fundamental offensive and defensive skills. Fee: $35. Information: Dexter Kaiama, 526-3239 (wk) or 262-3452 (hm).


Oct. 15-Nov. 15 — Free Self-Defense Classes. Presented by Japan International Karate-Ki Center. Information: Kristin Lee at 585-1153.


Oct. 28 — The Kahuku 360 (six-hour) off-road endurance motorcycle race.. At Wailee State Park, Kahuku, at the motorcross track. Race starts 9 a.m. The course will be routed through difficult forest areas to high speed open sections testing all riders. There will be three-person teams, two-person teams and the Ironman class where riders do the whole six hours alone. Information: Blane Chambers, 479-3068.


Oct. 14 — Mid Pacific Road Runners Club Tantalus 10-mile run. 6:30 start. Registration on Makiki Heights Drive on race day from 5:30 a.m. to start. Fee: $2 for members, $5 non-members. Information: 295-6777.

Nov. 4 — Friends of Kailua High School Fourth Annual 5K Fun-Run/Walk. 7 a.m. start. Applications from Hawai'i Race magazine or Kailua High School. Fee: $18 entry and shirt. $10 for entry. Net proceeds go to Kailua High School Computer Academy. Information: Ann Higashi 266-7900 or Ed Kemper 524-0330 or 262-6228 or


Oct. 13 — 'Aiea AYSO Spring Registration. At Salt Lake District Park-mauka, upper field. From 9 a.m.-3 p.m. For players born between July 31, 1993 through Jan. 31, 1997. Cost: $50 new players, $38 returning players. New players should bring copy of birth certificate. Information: 625-9181.


Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28 — Softball workouts. Designed for 7th-12th grade girls. Space limited to first 25 participants. Fee: $125. Information: Dane Shimabuku 735-1196 or Jocelynn Costa 540-5779.

Oct. 9 — Amateur Softball Association coaches meeting, At Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center Ho-nolulu Unit, 1300A Halona St., 7 p.m. Looking for individuals interested in coaching girls softball, umpiring or just want to get involved with the girls 2002 ASA Softball program.


Through Oct. 24 — Swimming Stroke Mechanics Clinic. Hosted by University of Hawai'i Masters Swimming. At Duke Kahanamoku Aquatic Complex. Tuesdays and Wednesdays from Oct. 2-24, from 6:15-7:30 p.m. Fee: $70. Information: UH Swimming Program, 956-7510.


Oct. 9 — Women's A, B, and C Leagues. Organizational meeting, 6 p.m. Team Fee: $185. Membership fee: $4. Information: Charlene Nishimura, 522-5141.

Dec. 1-2 — 20th Annual Mixed Doubles Championship. At Ala Moana Tennis Courts. Deadline: Nov. 9. Fee: $30, late fee: $35. Information: Tom Sugita, 454-2318.


Nov. 3 — NYTRO Hawai'i Hale'iwa Triathlon. At Hale'iwa Beach Park, 7:30 a.m. 400-meter swim, 12-mile bike, 3-mile run. Cost: $40 per person before Oct. 27, and $50 after. Information: 638-8173.

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Sacred Hearts Academy junior varsity coach. Contact Wade Okamura 734-5058 or send resume to Sacred Hearts Academy, Athletic Office, 3253 Wai'alae Ave., Honolulu, HI 96816.


Hawai'i Wrestling Officials Association. High School wrestling officials needed. Wrestling background desirable but not necessary. Interested contact Stuart Saito 456-2259 or 271-3027.

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