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Posted on: Saturday, October 6, 2001

Expressions of Faith
God gave us all free will

Head: I thought President Bush gave an excellent speech. It was inspiring, comprehensive, firm and decisive.

Heart: I agree. It was probably his finest hour as president.

Head: Are you OK? I heard you crying while he spoke.

Heart: I still feel so sad whenever I think of all the innocent lives lost. Those poor unsuspecting souls never had a clue what awaited them after they awoke that morning. Can you imagine the anguish their loved ones are going through?

Head: I'm not sure I really can. In just a moment their lives were changed forever.

Heart: Does any of this make sense to you?

Head: I'm not sure what you mean.

Heart: How people could hate us so much that they would do such an evil thing?

Head: Very good question.

Heart: Do you ever question God?

Head: Yes, I do.

Heart: Do you think God could have prevented this incident? And if he could have, why did he allow this evil event to happen?

Head: We know that God is a God of Goodness and that he doesn't promote evil.

Heart: Agreed, but if he is truly Sovereign, couldn't he have done something to prevent this horrible disaster?

Head: Yes, God is Sovereign. I also believe our Sovereign God is a God of Grace and Love. In fact, he loves mankind so much that he has given us the gift of free will. Free will to love him, free will to hate him.

Heart: And free will to do good or to do evil?

Head: Absolutely. We are not pawns or puppets. We have the freedom to choose our own thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Even when our choices are contrary to him, he doesn't override free will. I'm sure it hurts and grieves God immensely when man rejects God because man is rejecting His Love.

Heart: And siding with Satan, the god of this world and enemy of our souls?

Head: Correct. Living in this fallen world of sin and evil, we are exposed to suffering, death, diseases, and incidents like the attack on America.

Heart: So believers aren't exempt nor granted immunity?

Head: Right, but God is there to comfort the brokenhearted if they will seek him. He becomes their Refuge and Strength, a very present Help in trouble.

Heart: That reminds me of Psalm 23.

Head: Exactly. We have an active God of Comfort and Compassion who truly understands our suffering. He not only calms our minds and hearts as only he can but he gives us his incredible Peace

Heart: So you think it's OK with God if we ask him questions?

Head: I believe so. God created us and gave us minds to question and ponder the things of this world.

Heart: Will you share some of your questions?

Head: Certainly. Will I trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not to my own understanding? Will I accept that his ways and thoughts are higher than my ways and thoughts? Is it wise to allow vengeance to be his and his alone? Ultimately, am I willing to let God be God in my life?

Heart: Let's pray.