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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Monday, October 22, 2001

Tryouts Calendar

Advertiser Staff


Macy's West/Liberty House auditions for adult actors and dancers for its Nov. 26-Dec. 23 Christmas Musical Shows. Call for appointment: 780-7003, 677-2362.

Hawai'i Vocal Arts Ensemble seeking new members with a clear, warm voice desiring to perform choral music at a professional level. Call to schedule an audition: 261-6495, 263-6341.

Drums of Polynesia seeking experienced female Polynesian dancer for one-year contract in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Call for an audition appointment: 220-4464.

Red Door Dance Production seeks males and females with energy and stage presence who dance in any style or perform, act, do magic, juggle, etc. Call for audition time and date: 352-6170.

HNL entertainment auditions for keyboard player, guitarist and drummer who can also sing lead for two dance bands now forming. Also seeking duos, trios and bands to perform contemporary Hawaiian music for lounge and nightclub engagements. Call for appointment: 833-6452, 294-3024.

KIKA INC. seeks female vocalist for high-energy show band for corporate gigs. 735-2088.

Na Leo Lani Chorus, Hawai'i Chapter of Sweet Adelines International, welcomes women 16 and older. Rehearsals for Christmas performances at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays. 944-3373.

The Honolulu Men's Chorus is accepting new members in all vocal ranges for this gay and gay-friendly men's chorus. Rehearsals 7-9:30 p.m. Wednesdays. For rehearsal location and information, call 537-2113.

Sounds of Aloha Barbershop Chorus auditions for all male vocal parts, 7 p.m. Thursdays, Ala Wai Golf Course clubhouse. 262-7664.


L.A. image productions seeks contestants ages 19-27, single or married for the Ms. Hawai'i-United States 2002 Scholarship Competition held in January. Winner goes to the Ms. American United States Scholarship Competition to be held in Orlando, Fla., in August. Deadline to enter is Dec. 30. 520-8119, 591-0588.

The Tryouts Calendar appears each Monday in the Island Life section. Send announcements to: Tryouts Calendar, Island Life, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802. Phone 525-8023, e-mail or fax 525-8055.