Enomoto likely to get Liquor Commission seat
By Robbie Dingeman
Advertiser City Hall Writer
Real estate agent Dennis Enomoto appears headed for confirmation as the newest member of the city Liquor Commission despite some public questions about liquor-related violations that occurred when he was a part-owner of two bars.
Mayor Jeremy Harris nominated Enomoto on June 1 to serve on the commission, which oversees about 1,500 businesses that sell liquor.
In July, Council Planning and Public Safety Committee Chairman John Henry Felix postponed consideration of Enomoto's nomination, saying he was concerned Enomoto would be sitting in judgment of people who committed offenses similar to his own.
Enomoto and his brother, developer Tom Enomoto, served as shareholders in two now-closed bars Hawai'i Stars Studios on Nimitz Highway and Downtown Karaoke Box. The bars had six violations.
Dennis Enomoto said he owned a 15 percent interest in the bars. Other partners in the venture included entertainer Carole Kai and former Sen. Mike McCartney, president of Hawai'i Public Television.
Yesterday, three private individuals testified against putting Enomoto on the commission.
Kapahulu resident Marguerite Ige said: "As a former bar owner, Mr. Enomoto was an integral part of the liquor business in Honolulu, which is, as you all know, extremely influential."
Mo'ili'ili resident Janet Inamine said the violations would "cast a shadow on many of his decisions, raising questions about his presence on the board, especially if it approves an application that is controversial to a community or shows leniency for establishments with violations."
Felix recommended approval on Tuesday by the full City Council. "I am confident that he will be fair and objective," Felix said.
Reach Robbie Dingeman at rdingeman@honoluluadvertiser.com or 525-8070.