Explore color exhibit at museum
Advertiser Staff
Activities for the entire 'ohana abound at "Family Sunday Island Style," 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 7 at the Bishop Museum. Adults and keiki alike can explore the museum's new exhibit, "Color Play: Exploring the Art, Science and Culture of Color," running through Feb. 3, or meet the University of Hawai'i's famous green, cloned mice. Other highlights include entertainment, food booths and activities for the children.
Residents and military with valid ID pay $3 per person, $10 for a family of four (two adults, two children ages 4-12), and Bishop Museum Association members and children under age 4 are free; nonresidents, $14.95 per person. Family Sunday takes place on the first Sunday in October, January, April and July. For more information, call 848-4160.