Posted on: Monday, September 17, 2001
Terror and resolve: Gallery of images
The Empire State Building glowed in patriotic colors last night as smoke continued to rise from the rubble of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan.
Associated Press |
A passer-by drops $20 into a donation boot for the New York Fired Department at a multi-agency disaster relief drive yesterday at Edison International Field in Anaheim, Calif.
Associated Press |
New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and mayoral candidate Peter Vallone attended a special Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York to honor victims of last Tuesday's attack.
Associated Press |
A New York City police officer guards a corner near the New York Stock Exchange in Manhattan. The exchange, shut down since Tuesday's terrorist attack, is scheduled to reopen today.
Associated Press |
Rescue workers are now concentrating on sub-basement levels of the World Trade Center, hoping to find air pockets where people might have survived. No one has been found alive since Wednesday.
Associated Press |
Members of the 4249th Port Security Company Army Reserve unit at Pocahontas, Iowa, board a U.S. Marine DC-9 transport at Fort Dodge for duty at the Beaumont, Texas, port.
Associated Press |
In Hawai'i
Army reservist Ryan Sueyoshi must balance the needs of his country and that of his daughter, Rachel.
Bruce Ambo The Honolulu Advertiser |
A driver contributed money as Y.O. Koo, 72, of Olalao Retirement Community in Mililani, took collections Sunday for World Trade Center rescue workers in New York.
Deborah Booker The Honolulu Advertiser |
At Honolulu's Kawaiaha'o Church, 10 American flags lined the columns below paintings of Hawaiian royalty.
Eugene Tanner The Honolulu Advertiser |
Deborah Oyama of Kane'ohe, center, held hands with other church-goers during services yesterday at Windward United Church of Christ.
Deborah Booker The Honolulu Advertiser |