The September 11th attack Editorial
War on terrorism must be understood
If this week will see the start of a global war against terrorism, led by the United States, it is critical that we begin by knowing clearly what it is we are fighting.
Is terrorism acts of violence aimed at us, or is it such acts of violence whenever and wherever they occur?
Is it terrorism only when it is fueled by a belief system we cannot understand? Or is it also terrorism even when it is violence built on beliefs we not only understand but accept?
If we define terrorism as violence designed to create fear or despair among those one opposes, then clearly it comes in many forms.
The pipebombs dropped at the doors of abortion clinics are a form of terrorism. So too are the bombs set off in London by Irish separatists and the domestic burnings and bombings of those in this country who believe they are protecting the Earth.
The point here is that we cannot launch into this war thinking that terrorism can be easily identified and explained as just those acts by irrational "others" who seek to strike fear in the hearts of Americans. It goes much further than that.
And unless we are completely clear about who and what we are about to fight, we are doomed to lose.